👮 Advanced Police Mod | Make your police efficient

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Blank Purchased posted

There would be a better implementation of a system then what Xious said. If a cop is in range of a player that is in the progress of lockpicking, killing (or killed) someone, etc - it auto wants them for said crime. I can't find it currently, but I believe you held "X" as a cop when you so someone doing illegal activity and it auto wanted them.

Slawer Author posted

Xiaous that could be a feature but it wouldn't be that realistic as it would give a lot of information about the criminal (e.g. name). We take note, thanks for the suggestion!

Xiaous Purchased posted

Slawer would it be possible to add an auto wanted system? For instance if someone kills someone else make them wanted automatically?

Xiaous Purchased posted

Awesome, thank you!

Slawer Author posted

I guess you mean a custom car dealer for the addon. Actually, it's not planned but we'll see what to do to provide a suitable feature.

Xiaous Purchased posted

Would it be possible to add an option to spawn police vehicles?

Slawer Author posted

That's the point of a radio, so, yes

Xiaous Purchased posted

Like does the radio swep allow police to talk via voice?

Slawer Author posted

I don't know that addon

Xiaous Purchased posted

Awesome thank you Slawer. Also does the radio work with voice chat?

Slawer Author posted

Yes, we have tried with it and our system works if you're using this addon.

Xiaous Purchased posted

Does this work with Realistic handcuffs?

Badger posted

Alright, Ill ask the owner to

Slawer Author posted

Open a ticket if you own the addon

Badger posted

How do I change the model of the Bailer? I cant see it in the config

Pilot2 posted

Hello !

It would be nice to have the possibility to import the AGC's database in order to have the AGC's datas on the tablet database app

Badger posted

CarpaGT92 No but it has support for L2 Plates

Legoshi posted
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Cet addons ajoute des plaque d'imat ?


Badger posted

TOJU Agreed

TOJU Purchased posted

driver license system support would be nice

Slawer Author posted

We were using SouthSide in the video

Raven Pearce Purchased posted

Just curious what map were you using in the showcase video? Purshased btw :)

Slawer Author posted
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BasicallyMental & Livaco thanks guys!

Badger it's already compatible with McPhone, why not to see in the future for the other ones

Rager.usd you can contact us through gmodstore

RAG€R posted

Can you contact me on Steam, I've got some important questions related compatibility of your script.

Thank you so much.

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