If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Hello, I have a question! Do other players also have access to the menu which allows them to know everything about the player's state of health?

it could be huge to make Advanced Survival compatible with Rako's Advanced Limb System. Because I really like the design of the old version "Advanced Survival". Button that hides all RP information. This avoids the meta game in combat. As the two scripts look like this visually, I think there's a way to adapt Advanced Survival.

how i deactivate the HUD ???

I'm a little confused. Are there any Sweps included or is it just the onr you linked to on steam? Also what kind of entities are actually included? You picked some up in the video but I couldn't find anything about them in the description.
Lastly a quick question. Are blood mods compatible with this? Meaning the blood trail does not appear with them installed?
Thanks in advance

Wolf, send me a support ticket.

Anyway to change the scale of everything?

Some gamemodes using the function "ScalePlayerDamage()", this script compatible this?

does this support nutscript?

Hi, I suggest you to add a gasmask that would have the same effect as the radsuit, but that would block only 40 to 60% of radiation. You can also add a Geiger counter to detect radiation before being affected by. And finally i suggest you to remove the radiation and the bleeding blocks, but replace that by some effects like some sneezing for rads and/or visible bleeding.

Suggestion for shot in the head - Make the player hallucinate!

Well I have no experience making sweps whatsoever but if you want to edit the amount of medkits player spawn witht then just go to the sv_advanced_survival.lua
and change the ply.Medkits
in the SetUpASSpawnVars
function to any amount you want.

and maybe an option to set up who spawns with medkit who not.. i mean ... a meta function like ply:GiveMedKits(1) so player can spawn with one medkit per default :)

this is a nice script a little suggestion: can u add the possibility for the medic jobs to heal the other players... im just using the normal darkrp medickit it would be cool if u can make a swep that check if the medic has medkits and usethem to heal the tr.Entity

@DarkShoot It should be working fine in the latest version, I'm just wondering how did you actually get the script without buying it. Next time send me a support ticket.

Hi, I found a bug or glitch with the bandages. They can be used infinitely without who has them.

Does this work on other roleplay gamemodes like nutscript or clockwork?

Hi, i found a bug. If we play TTT, the innocent win after 3 seconds with this plugin. If i disable it, it works fine. Any idea?

Alright, ulx god should be fully compatible now.

Is there a way I can integrate the god mode from ulx and darkrp so that bleeding and limb damage effects don't happen?

You can change it to the old hud if you don't like it. Although I might add a config option for that soon.

Is there a way to remove the "RADS:" block from the hud?

ZERO SUGAR, idk what do you mean dude, it never worked like that.