Aero F4 + Integrated Reward System

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In short

Aero is a modern, sleek F4 menu that will enhance your user's experience. Built with my other UI packs in mind, and soon to be a complete UI set, Aero has everything you need to set your server apart.

Aero is a complete F4 menu, with all the features you'd expect out of any F4 menu; but bundled with so much more. Built with gameplay enhancements in mind, we've come up with an F4 menu that not only looks great, but keeps your players interested and busy.

Basic Features
  • Full category support for every single tab in DarkRP. Jobs, Weapons, Shipments, Entities, Ammo, Food, Vehicles.
  • Search bar to help your players find exactly what they're looking for.
  • Favourites AND recents for all supported categories. Your players can easily get back to what's important; playing.
  • Users can hide favourites or recent categories at any time with a simple click.
  • Server stats, with live animations.
  • Staff Online, users can instantly see what members of Staff are connected.
  • Traditional DarkRP commands.
  • Blur and Dark theme out of the box.
  • Steam and Discord link integration.
  • Enhanced preview system before applying for a job.
  • Modular system which allows you to easily disable certain aspects of Aero.
  • Keep track of how much money users have spent. Aero comes with a built in method of showcasing how much money has been pushed into your server's economy.
  • Easily add your own methods into this system, or request us to add more ways in with little Lua knowledge.
  • Data is all saved permanently, the only temporary data is your user's recent data.
Task System
  • Reward your users for completing specific tasks while playing on your server.
  • Aero comes with 9 tasks out of the box and it's easy to add your own!
  • Users will receive a cash reward once they complete a task.
  • Your players can easily see what tasks have been completed and what they have outstanding.
  • Little Lua knowledge is required to implement a task. Know the hook name and the basic logic? You're pretty much set.
Playtime Rewards
  • Reward your players for their dedication. Aero has a time played system in place to help you do that.
  • Users will receive their reward for consecutive playtime, times and progress is all saved even if the user disconnects or the server restarts.
  • Hourly, Daily, and Weekly rewards are all bundled into Aero out of the box.
  • Your users will receive a configurable amount of DarkRP cash for each milestone hit. One free Weekly shipment is also bundled in.
Reporter and Nexus Crates support
  • Own Nexus Crates or Reporter - The Advanced Reporting System? Cool, we've integrated both of those addons out of the box for you.
  • Unbox within the F4 Menu, create, edit and purchase Crates from the F4 menu. No problem.
  • Users can report a user with Reporter, as well as view their warnings all within the F4 menu.

Drop project_aero into your server's addons folder and extract.

Configure Aero in the configuration file (aero_config.lua), please restart your server once you've made any changes.

Add this to your server's Workshop collection.

Interested in a full theme, check out my other scripts until Aero is a complete set:

OS UI - DarkRP UI Bundle (Dark Theme):

Blur Theme:

Report - The Advanced Reporting System:

Nexus Crates - Crate Unboxing System:

OS UI - DarkRP UI Bundle:

Delicate UI:

Executioner - The True Hitman Experience:

tStore - The Better Way To Shop:

Eradication - DarkRP Purge System

Teddy - All code inside of Aero, as well as vgui work.

RE Lexi - UI Concepts as well as creating/editing most of the materials inside of Aero.

SneakySqwuid  -

Product reviews

4.33 average based on 12 reviews

[NG] Tulip
A TOP F4 *but*
Its a good F4 menu but it has lack of translation & config but in any other point its great!
By [NG] Tulip -
(version 1.6)
Great addon but not user-friendly.
This F4 is great, the design is really good BUT if you want to configure something, it's not that easy. - No translation file - If you want to change some rewards or simply disable some categories like reward and items you'll have to change too much things in the script. - I spent more than 3 days to configure it and i still configure it.
By Zeiden -
(version 1.6)
Fantastic F4 Menu
This is a great F4 menu, the only thing for me that stops it from gaining 5 stars is not having the ability to config some of the rewards. For example, you can't become the mayor on SCP-RP, so why are you not able to change it? Overall though, great design aspects, the rewards for playtime are fantastic. Overall still a great F4 menu.
By Farlow -
(version 1.6)
I like your plug-in very much
I am Chinese, I will translate it into Chinese myself But I can't find the text I hope you can tell me the specific location thank you
(version 1.6)
lil nibba
Worst F4
Lack of translation & config, i did everything with the addon, do something with the config.
By lil nibba -
(version 1.6)
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