If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
how to block an ammo category for a single jobs


how to remove the job category in the f4 ??? comment supprimer la catégorie d'emploi dans le f4 ???

Every time I restart the server I can re-claim the rewards I've already claimed without waiting time; kinda lame.

Hi , how i can translate this addons ?

How can I translate it into German?

not too happy with the seller of this addon, i spent good money to buy it then to have it removed not to long after with no reason or contact
very dissapointted, pretty much a scam really i dont even get what i paid for and this is marked as unsupported, gosh take it off the gmod store already
sort it out, be fair to the customers that pay for all these addons

How to add jobs im new!

Hello, everyone
anyone know how to remoove the items category in the f4

Could you add support for ⚠️ Warning System | Manage your server much better
Just like the Reporter script?

Hi! I wonder isn't it bad for performance to save so much locally on the server such as playtime etc for many players? I really like the look of this F4, but im a bit worried its not lightweight enough with all these features.

Hello! Check Gmodstore messages please :)

Possible to turn off all saving then?

Some kind of mySQL support coming soon? I really want this F4, but I don't want to save files on my local server.


You should make the weapons list for each job return the actual PrintName for the weapon instead of the classname

does it support bodygroups?

MySQL would be even better, as some servers would want to share the data of time & rewards across multiple servers.

I agree with Zeo, thats even a better alternative.

Why are you not saving the user favourites on the client, this doesn't seem like something to server would have to store. This would also decrease the amount of files stored on the server by a lot.