[AFM] Advanced Farming Mod - Legal business for your DarkRP server

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In short

Advanced Farming Mod adds a new way for players to legally earn money! The farmer job can buy animals and then have to care for them, so they can be sold for profit at the end. The farmer must care for his animals if he wish to make a profit at the end.

All of these animals have an age and a weight, you can sell them to the slaughterhouse to a price depending of their weight. This weight increases each time that the animal eat. A truck allow farmers to transport their animals and their eggs to the farmer NPC. Also, each animal has some specific characteristics ( see below ).

You should try to create the navmesh before buying the script. See the installation tab!


  • Hens - they have to drink in a water bucket and eat in a trough. Also, they will make randomly some eggs, and sometimes, these eggs will have a different color. That means that the egg will become a new hen if you press +USE on. Each hen can have only one "baby". These eggs have to be put in a egg crate and sold to an NPC.
  • Cows - they have to drink in a bigger water bucket and eat grass. They have a milk bar that will increase each that time the cow will eat. When the bar is full, the farmer can use a milk bucket to take the milk of the cow, put the milk in a barrel, and sell the barrel to an NPC.
  • Pigs - they have to drink in a water bucket and eat in a trough. They take a lot of weight each time that they eat and have to eat more often than the others animals. The pig have to be sold to the an NPC, the price will depend of the weight of the animal, so the farmer will have to let pigs get fatter but have to be carefull of the age of the pig.
  • Goats - they have to drink in a water bucket and eat in a trough. They have a milk bar that will increase each that time the goat will eat. When the bar is full, the farmer can use a milk bucket to take the milk of the cow, put the milk in a barrel, and sell the barrel to an NPC.


  • Pre-configured jobs and entities so it works out of the box.
  • You can whistle animals to make them follow you.
  • Car trunks will allow you to move and sell your animals and your eggs
  • Script is currently translated in English and French
  • Custom animations
  • Imported models
  • Custom sounds
  • Custom effects
  • Easy configuration with explenations

Particle GIF


If you find any problems with the script, please create a support ticket with details of the situation and a copypaste of the error in console. I am also not interested in modifying you a custom version of the addon. Also not upon payment. Sorry!

Conflicting addons is not to be said if I will support that or not. This is something I will decide upon confrontation about a conflicting addon. If you have some sort of proof that an addon is conflicting with my addon, please send me a PM with the details you might have.

Thank you!

To install the addon you must follow a few simple steps.


  • Extract the downloaded archive
  • Drop the advanced_farming_mod folder into your addons folder
  • To allow animals to move, they need a nav mesh. To generate it, use your map in singleplayer, and type:
  • sv_cheats 1
  • nav_generate
  • Don't touch your game during a varying time depending of the size of your map. After that, you'll find in the map folder of your game a .nav file with the name of your map. Put this nav file in the maps folder of your server.

The script uses custom and non-custom content, which can be found on the workshop. All content is set to download to your clients automatically, so you only need to add it to your servers workshop collection.

  • Workshop content for the script can be found here
  • Workshop link to the pre-configured vehicle model can be found here



  • Extraire l'archive téléchargée
  • Mettre le dossier advancedfarmingmod dans le dossier "addons" de votre serveur
  • Ajouter le contenu du workshop à la collection du serveur :
  • disponible ici
  • Pour que les animaux puissent se déplacer, il leur faut un "Navigation Mesh", un fichier NAV. Pour le créer, il faut aller en local sur la map de votre serveur, il n'est pas nécessaire d'avoir mon addon sur le serveur local. Ensuite, il faut écrire dans la console les commandes suivantes dans l'ordre :
  • sv_cheats 1
  • nav_generate
  • Il faut ensuite laisser le jeu tourner durant un temps plus ou moins long, dépendant de la taille de la map. Après un redémarrage automatique du serveur local, vous pourrez trouver dans le dossier garrysmod/maps un fichier de la forme "nomdevotremap.nav". Mettez ce fichier dans le dossier maps de votre serveur.

Product reviews

4.67 average based on 9 reviews

Foncez-y !
Relativement simple à configurer et fonctionnel sans aucun problème
By chausette -
(version DRM Free)
Very helpful creator, and a good mod.
When a garrys mod update made NPCs killable we got a quick reply and fix, and also said what to add in the code to fix it so we could patch our older addons that werent supported anymore
By Te.name -
(version DRM Free)
Kadabra dev - 8Derbi
well but some issues
The addons is good, but there are a lot af issue. The addons do not adapt to all the servers (for example the cows eat a special grass material of the map ...) There are better farm addons than it..
By Kadabra dev - 8Derbi -
(version DRM Free)
Author's reply
Hello, As I've explained to you, the grass is automatically detected with the materials of the map. You have a custom map with a custom grass texture which haven't the properties of grass, that's why it doesn't work.
By Venatuss -
Trace Edge
Added it to my server after buying it a long time ago.
I sincerely missed out I like this script alot! Having animals you can interact with adds a level of roleplay that isn't found through players. Makes your server feel more alive. At the time of this post I run a medieval server and having the chickens and other animals really make the world come alive. I can recommend this addon with a solid 5 stars.
By Trace Edge -
(version DRM Free)
The good: -Nice Support! Instaneous and devoted -Great Idea! -Nice Models The Bad : -The movement of animals are bad. -Sometimes animals die because they do not eat. I will change this review when fix that.
By Mojoncarnicero -
(version DRM Free)
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