ahBuyer + Smuggle System

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In short

It's a simple and sleek npc buyer system, that work like a pawnshop, you can config to buy anything from entities to weapons from players. It got an easy customization system, which will open up for so many more opportunities to your darkrp server.

What is this?

It's a simple and sleek npc buyer system, that work like a pawnshop, you can config to buy anything from entities to weapons from players. It got an easy customization system, which will open up for so many more opportunities to your darkrp server.

It now also include a new smuggle npc, which smuggle illegal items after some time, which you after sell to the npc buyer.

Feature list

  • DarkRP +2.5.
  • Content on workshop.
  • Very Optimized system.
  • Simple 3D2D hover HUD.
  • Vip money bonus on sale.
  • Multi npc spawn support.
  • Unlimited config options.
  • Exact same vgui as ahShop.
  • Customize the looks (Very easy)
  • Includes smuggle npc system.
  • Percentage chance of failing at smuggling an item.
  • Sell smuggled or normal items to the buyer.
  • You choose what items the smuggler can import.
  • You choose what items the buyer can purchase.
  • You can add any entities or weapons that pleases you.

How many npc dealers are included?

  • Includes a Buyer npc.
  • Includes a Smuggler npc.

Works well with:

  • ahShop


  • Unzip the file.
  • Read the readme.txt
  • Any issues with installing? then add me on steam so i can help you add it.


If you notice any bugs? then add me on steam and let me know, so they can be fixed ASAP.


Ganged for making the banner and materials.

Product reviews

4.60 average based on 4 reviews

Cet addon se fait vieux, mais il est interessant pour les "petits budgets"
Même si aujourd'hui, je ne le recommanderais pas pour un serveur qui a déjà sa place sur gmod. Il faut s'avouer que ces addons encore assez stables peuvent servir pour des petits serveurs. Même si paradoxalement, il n'est pas évident à configurer (ce n'est pas ingame). Mais si vous êtes nouveau pourquoi pas :) [ à voir si la concurrence propose moins cher est mieux ]
By Rayzox57 -
(version 1.0.5)
Epic Jonte
Good: Simple to modify and user friendly Bad: Not that easy to add new smuggle NPC and buyer NPC. Required modification and changes to make it work.
By Epic Jonte -
(version 1.0.5)
Human Tree92
Another shop system that does what it does. Nothing more needs to be said about this. Easy To setup = Less time editing stuff = More time buying stuff from this amazing script.
This product was received for free
By Human Tree92 -
(version 1.0.5)
Core - Simon
You need to buy it
By Core - Simon -
(version 1.0.5)
The clean and best way to make player able to earn money easely or not. Extremely recommanded to combine this in a themed survival server including random loot
By BurningMadness -
(version 1.0.3)
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