If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
How do you sell items? Do you sell them from your inventory, pocket, or from the world?

i cant buy this.

Before buying is there a way for cop jobs to detect what is being smuggled ?

Is there a way to make it where only certain jobs can access the buyer and the smuggler

No workshop link, and the one in the file doesn't work

This script buy stuff only

Do this script able to sell cars?

Is is currently possible to make it so only certain jobs can sell certain items?

It work with darkrp 2.5+

Hmmmmm good price and might solve my problem I have with another long as its compatible with current darkrp

Update on way soon, so theme will be adjusted to ahshop2.

I'm gonna make this system more advanced and add more fancy features soon.

Nice script!

This npc only buy, if you want a similar themed npc seller. Then you should get ahShop:

Tell me please, NPC only buys or maybe sell? And if you can sell, is it possible to add there is not only that sell players?

@Gamer288, if I understood you correctly, you asked if you can add stuff which the npc buys via config files. The answer is yes, yes you can add stuff the npc buys via the config files.

Tell me please, is it possible to add on sale through the files? ie to appear not only that sold NPC players? Sorry for my bad english.

I asked for this script duringfive months. Found mickael. Got it for 2€ in 2 week. Can work on my server at full potencial. Thanks you. I will recomand this script for anyone looking to make a serious roleplay and a way to put a commercial cycle in.

@Mikado #; I have absolutely nothing against you nor the additional author, I'm just saying it doesn't seem as if this should be a second add-on. Seems more of like an update or very small DLC.
@Mikey Howell; Laughed pretty hard at that.

Lol, Anotha One acting like he can code because he has 3 scripts that weren't even originally created by him.

Take this private, instead of bashing the script.

@Mikael #; mGangs DLC's actually required some thought to be put into them. This required literally half a second of "Oh, I can make more money?" Instead of just pushing a minor update for one of your addons. This is literally a copy & paste, just you can sell shit at this NPC instead.

half my addons what do you mean ? None of them are copy and paste all of them are mine / created by me I can't hire someone to make a poly gone and over pay for it ?? Oh call the cops now it's called saving time that I needed at the time and as I said before I had it half way done but I was like eh why not saves me time it's my money I can do with it what I please as can you with your code idc