🏡AHouse - A Realistic/Advanced Properties System

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In short

A Clean, optimized, feature-rich property system.

Are you looking for a property system that doesn't make your server lag with a lot of features?

Let me introduce you to AHouse!

The purpose of this property system is to create a clean addon, with real, useful features and a cool-looking UI that will improve the concept of the properties on your server.

The setup is easy to do, please have a look at the features tab to know more about this.

  • ✅ Elegant integration of house system. You can use the default darkrp actions ( Buy with F2 ), this won't break the addon.
  • ✅ Optimized
  • ✅ Compatible with MySQL and SQLite
  • ✅ Elegant, modern UI, made easy to use for your players.
  • ✅ Clean sounds and exclusive 3D models.
  • ✅ Can add co-owners.
  • ✅ You can save the entities easily.
  • ✅ Easy to configure with tool gun, made easy as possible.
  • ✅ API for devs.
  • ✅ Compatible BLogs

  • Open menu:
  • ✅ You can use a chat command or the NPC.
  • ✅ You can automatically disable the NPC and chat command if there is a seller
  • ✅ You can enable a GPS to go to your new property

  • 3D2D UI:
  • ✅ Buy
  • ✅ Sell
  • ✅ Disable/Enable ring bell
  • ✅ Ringbell
  • ✅ Close/open all doors
  • ✅ Add co-owners ( This will pop a 2D menu )

  • Can make a rotated price:
  • ✅ Price may vary every X minutes ( Ex. Every 30 min, the price will change between 95% or 110% of the original price )

  • Can make permanent housing:
  • ✅ Autosell after X days of inactivity
  • ✅ You can also buy instantly ( This makes 7 days of renting by default )

  • Can restrict props spawn:
  • ✅ Only to your house
  • ✅ Or, block props in other players houses

  • Prop configuration:
  • ✅ Let your players make their own prop configuration
  • ✅ Up to 3 per house
  • ✅ They can switch to any configuration when they want
  • ✅ Players can undo these props

  • Door Peephole:
  • ✅ Can be used standalone without the main addon.
  • ✅ Configurate with 1 click, with tool gun
  • ✅ Realistic model

  • Mailbox system:
  • ✅ Realistic, all your brought entities/weapons/etc go in the mailbox
  • ✅ You can disable the mailbox system for specific categories (Ex. Weapons )
  • ✅ 2 models, walled and non-walled mailbox.

  • Real Estate Seller job:
  • ✅ You can print contracts
  • ✅ Players can make their own margin on the sale.
  • ✅ Immersive: Realistic infos, with signature, etc...

  • Ringbell:
  • ✅ Multiples ring bells sound
  • ✅ Can disable it
  • ✅ Realistic with visual effects.

  • Alarm system:
  • ✅ When someone lockpicks an owned house, this will trigger a loud alarm

To install it, you need to follow these steps:

  • Add this addon to your collection/fastdl : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2942870729
  • Install CSS Content if you don't have them
  • Drag and drop ahouse folder into your addons folder (garrysmod/addons)
  • Modify the configuration file to your liking in this directory: addons/ahouse/lua/ahouse/config/sh_config.lua and addons/ahouse/lua/ahouse/config/sv_config.lua
  • Get in-game and use the tool "Add Property" to setup a house
  • To remove it, use the "Modify Property" tool.

  • Put some printers entities and "Real Estate Salesman" NPC
  • Type ahouse_SaveNPCs  in your server console.
  • To remove these entities, type ahouse_RemoveNPCs 

  • For door peephole, use the "Door Hole" tool on a door

If you have a problem with the installation of the addon, do not hesitate to open a support ticket 👍

Icons made by Freepik, Pixel perfect, and Smashicons from www.flaticon.com

3D2D lib from Tom.bat here

Translations ( Thanks to ):

Any questions/Need Help? Feel free to open a ticket

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Product reviews

5.00 average based on 5 reviews

Je recommande fortement ce script
J'ai eu un soucis est j'ai fais un ticket il répond rapidement au support si vous avez un problème le script est fonctionnel est simple a l'utilisation puis pour son prix je recommande fortemement
By LeChefSympa -
(version 1.0.11)
Fox Rim
AHouse Lua Problem, and more
Hello, I have a little problem as well as LUA errors, to start the add-ons create errors after the creation of properties and also we cannot put a Door Hole, there is also a problem with the fact that we can purchased and open the doors even after the doors are configured
By Fox Rim -
(version 1.0.9)
The best properties system on the market!
This addon is really easy to setup. Once you understand everything, it goes very quickly. It has tons of cool features and easily outperforms all other systems on the market. The price is more than justified. The support is also really great and pretty fast. The addon creator helped me with my questions and solved my problems in no time.
By Vilide -
(version 1.0.5)
very useful mod!!
I bought this new mod and found a very small bug. The support team responded quickly and fixed the issue right away. The mod allows for creating properties with permaprop, permabuy, and easy in-game configuration. I highly recommend it. ----- J'ai acheté ce nouveau mod et j'ai rencontré quelques petits soucis, mais le support m'a répondu très rapidement et a tout réglé. Il est facile à configurer dans le jeu avec l'achat d'une maison permanente et la sauvegarde des objets. Je le recommande fortement.
By WaFFacTQc -
(version 1.0.4)
Tibo | Prisme [FR]
First !
Idea 5/5 Features 5/5 Models 5/5 Interfaces 5/5 Just perfect.
By Tibo | Prisme [FR] -
(Never downloaded)
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