🫐 AHud - DarkRP/TTT/Murder/PropHunt HUD

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Akulla Author posted

Maybe one day,

However, You should avoid using talk modes, this Addon is unoptimised and will kill your server performances

Proto Purchased posted


LeCréateurmade a brilliant suggestion below, what do you think?

[ MFLife ] Falco posted


Votre HUD est-il compatible avec Basewars ?

Ou peut-il l'être ?

Merci à vous.

Antoine Purchased posted


I was wondering if there are any plans for you to do some sort of adaptation of your HUD with the "🔊 Talk Modes - whisper/talk/yell" addon?

Something similar to this https://prnt.sc/W7CyzDFs0Pz4 I think it would be cool to have it ; )

xVnxmz posted

defo should create a bundle with a scoreboard included ! create a Scoreboard it would be awesome!

iiMalevolence posted

Waiting on laws panel + prop limit per group and I'll buy it :)

lakeey Purchased posted

If you're talking about the 5th screenshot, "DarkRP #5" I'm not talking about a police agenda. Talking about a ui for laws created by the mayor displayed for all citizens.

Akulla Author posted


There is a UI for the laws, you can see it on the 5th screen

lakeey Purchased posted

Thoughts on creating a ui for laws?

Jay Purchased posted

Would love to see Simple Stamina supported maybe to show the icons when sprinting or

let the icon lose its color over time just like the icon for the hunger bar :)

Akulla Author posted

You can see who is speaking, the color of the name text at the top of the head turns blue.

Mom Bon 🧡 Purchased posted

Akulla Oh yeah, I have one more suggestion if that is okay, any way to add a voice chat GUI to the HUD? I understand this HUD is supposed to be minimal, but I actually don't appreciate not being able to see who is talking when they are not next to me, especially as a server owner who needs to moderate.

Stromic posted

I like this! GLWS :)

Mom Bon 🧡 Purchased posted

Akulla Lol, Dope

Akulla Author posted
● edited

Ron Bon

  • Yes
  • No, because it's not something HUD-related
  • Yes


  • Yes, I will try to make it in next days
Toxic Purchased posted

Could support be added for Prop Hunt: Enhanced?

Mom Bon 🧡 Purchased posted
● edited

Will there be an update so that people can see how much loot they've collected each round? (On Murder Gamemode)

Will there be a possibility of adding an adjustable timer that can count down to zero and end the current round? (On Murder Gamemode)

Will there be a possibility of maybe adding a setting to scale the HUD to be bigger or smaller?

Akulla Author posted

Aws0me I will make compatibility with them in the next updates

Aws0me posted

Looks very nice, my only suggestion would be to add level/prestige to the overhead for servers with leveling systems :)

DevulTj posted

this is $8?

Liam Purchased posted

looks dappa that lad

FelixKLG posted

very nice and sleek. :)

Cee posted

ngl, i actually really do like this.


tenwriterhydroxychloroquine posted

Looks really nice and simplistic, love it and sure many others do. Also the game on the crash menu feature is a really good idea!

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