aHUD - DarkRP UI Overhaul

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#aHUD A DarkRP UI overhaul that's designed to bring a clean look to your server.


  • A new, clean look for your server's UI
  • A unified theme with that of my other work (aMenu)
  • Optional voice visualisers with volume levels
  • Optional notification skin with timers
  • Player avatars above their heads
  • Smooth effects for money changing, health bar moving etc.
  • Overhauls the agenda and wanted HUD
  • Support for Hungermod
  • Much, much more...

##Installation Installation is as simple as uncompressing the folder, dropping the folder into your server's 'addons' directory and then restarting. Once you've installed the addon you can configure it through the configuration file.

##Configuration aHUD offers an easy to use, well documented configuration file which can be used to tweak the menu to your liking. If at all you have any problem with using the configuration file I'd be happy to assist in setting aHUD up for your server - see Support header below. The configuration file can be found at "ahud/lua/ahud/ahud_config.lua" in the addon.

##Support I will be offering lifetime support on the script for as long as it is on the market

I'll make the best effort I possibly can in order to make sure my customers have no issues with running the scripts and to answer any questions they may have. If you are a customer with an issue, please submit a support ticket through the ScriptFodder website and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

##Suggestions Have a suggestion for this script? Feel free to leave a comment or send me a PM and I'll see if I can do something about it. If you'd like support for a certain module then I'd be more than happy to add support for it.

##Other Scripts If you're a customer and have enjoyed using this addon then I highly suggest checking out the addons below and going and supporting the developers behind them, they're great people who produce great quality work!

Spy's 3D Car Display

Beastguy's CS:GO Coinflips

or if you're interested in seeing more of my own work then check out aMenu at:


Product reviews

4.06 average based on 17 reviews

not work good
not work good hud show the suit (Armor) like the original game
By Sonarium -
(version 1.2.4)
Good Hud, no support
Before the addon was marked as not supported, there was none. Good hud though.
By RadioactvePixels -
(version 1.2.4)
Amazing, easy to install, easy to use -- Could not recommend these any more!
By Jckuk -
(version 1.2.4)
The hud looks really nice. Even tho, there are still some lua errors and no available support from arie. Kinda disappointed. :/
By Zokeys -
(version 1.2.4)
Highly recommend this script. Very professional looking. Would love to see you make a Scoreboard with same theme next which displays who is admin, vip etc!
By SickBubblegum_ -
(version 1.2.4)
1 of 4
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This product is marked as unsupported. That means there is no support available for this product.
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