If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Hi ! I need help,i need to move the hud ammo and mount it up and then how to remove the players' names and occupation above their heads Thank you so much for helping me.

Work with PoliceRP????

Any way you can make it so the notifications follow the colors in the config? I change them to blue and the notifications are still red. Thanks

Hey! Could you please answer the support tickets? I created them weeks ago

Does this have support for armor?

my friend named cody bought this addon for my server. i put this in the addons folder and it is not working. do i have to enable it and disable the default darkrp hud

@Sophia <3 No sorry, it's DarkRP only

Work with Murder ?

I'm happy, i got the AScoreboard, AMenu and AHud, that so cool :D

@ogeswift My PayPal has been deactived for a short period of time following a customer making chargebacks and taking the money back out of my account. It'll be back up shortly.

Cant purchase it bro D:

This script support a stamina system ?

This looks very cool!

I'm having an issue with the agendas as well. rip.

would like to see an actual number representation on health also, so it isn't just a bar. and maybe a blur on the agenda. Think that would be great additions.

@DeadlyShot03 ☕ Yeah that's because I made it for him, Spy's a good friend of mine. He asked for it based on the banner design of my previous scripts That banner, I knew I had seen it somewhere else :/

Ehm, looks nice, but default hud is showing over it, even after I set hud to true in disabled defaults...

This looks very nice!

I am also having an issue with the agendas. Also, are you planning to make a aScoreboard? I would love that. Also, atlas chat looks great with the hud. (Incase you decide not to make an aChat)

Hi there ! It would be so nice if you coould add the support dor the Vrondrakis' DarkRP levelling system, as you did for the aMenu, Then I'll rate 5stars with no problem, thx mate !

Hey I love the scripts, one small fix for a possible update is alt ammo for rockets and stuff. It still shows a stock HUD with some weapons for ammo. It's not a big deal, but just a heads up! Great looking UI!

@sim242 Yes it has a slim armour bar underneath the health bar. Player's health bars above their heads are the bars underneath their names.
As far as I know the agenda has no problem with it, would you like me to take a look at your server for you?
On the topic of issues, there's an issue with the voice panels which I'm working on - please be patient. Thanks

Agenda's not working for anyone else? Might not be this addon but just want to check.