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Curator's Featured Review
Fantastic menu, fantastic support
The vanilla DarkRP F4 menu was always clunky, but the newest rendition of it seems even worse. A replacement is necessary for any self-respecting server owner, and this one is one of the best out there. Not only is everything on it customizable, but everything is seamless and easy to configure. Most if not all of your DarkRP configurations will transfer over, and those that don't are very easy to add. Amethyst takes it to a whole new level by providing a powerhouse of features you didn't even know you would make use of, and bottles it all up in a beautiful interface.
In short
Amethyst is an F4 menu with extra functionalities including a theme system, player action statistics, dashboard, and more; designed for any RP-based gamemode.
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4.89 average based on 17 reviews
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