If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Submit a ticket, I don't handle support via public discussion just because people using leaks check this.

hello i've buy you're Addon today but when i put in my ftp it does not appear on the server can you help me please ?

If you own the script, submit a ticket to me on the account you own the script on and I can help.

- i own the script i have another account we have a big server going up it just doesnt show mine because i am not the one that bought it

My script keeps going to french. why?

if i clear my f4's bind than i need type what command in console to open menu (bind "f4" "???")

Is it possible to make the background a transparent blur? That would be pretty neat.

Ok I found out i had error and hide my things sorry my bad..

Steeveman: In the settings of the jobs tab should be a setting called "HideUnavailableJobs", set that to true. JustUser: Submit a ticket and I'll take a look for you.

Not picking up my shipments and other weapon / ammo at all . which is in the normal place addons/darkrpmodification-master/lua/darkrp_customthings/shipments.lua or ammo

Hi ! How can i hide a job VIP for user ?

You guys don't own the script, I don't provide support for non-purchasers.

which file is it so i can change the steam group and forums on the f4 menu

Currently playing on a server which uses this script. I am a Mac user and I am on the server but I cannot see it. I have wiped my Garry's Mod, subbed to just the server but when I join everyone else can see the F4 Menu except myself. Does it support Macs?

@Wysty: PM me your paypal transaction ID + paypal email address and I'll check it out

Hello i have a problem i have bought your script but ...

Already replied.

I submitted a ticket about a week ago and haven't gotten a response.

There is a stats section coming to the script. At the moment I've been coding a brand new library which will change how my scripts operate, as well as optimization, etc. Once that is done, the updated versions will include a lot of new stuff.

Any chance that you will add a statistics homepage in the future? Something that shows things such as graph leaderboards that show job count and money count and a list of staff currently on the server with their ranks and other useful information like that?

People are saying nice things about this script! I will probably buy it soon!

How do I change the URL's for the Workshop, website, forums, and steam group?

Yea its guchi please do more!

I'm a bit of a perfectionist, I'll admit.