This update is not the v2.x rewrite, but preparation work leading up to the rewrite, as well as some bug fixes.
- [added] official documentation []
- [added] new workshop collection
- [added] new fastdl distribution system
- [change] preparation work for upcoming amethyst v2.0 rewrite
- [change] updated urls of all provided static and live wallpapers
- [change] optimized tab loading
- [change] rewrote autoloader
- [change] migrated all configs to sh/cfg/ folder
- [bug] fixed bind nil error new installs may encounter
- [bug] fixed issue with streamers tab overlapping buy tabs
This update had to come this early because there were some bugs from yesterday's update that somehow I missed. A few are major. So please update whenever you have the opportunity. Another update will be coming out sometime in the future which includes French translations, as well as a way to set a new default theme and some other stuff.
- [Added] Steam Group button to community tab
- [Added] Parameter to allow links in community tab to be opened using the function gui.OpenURL
- [Update] All config files in /sh/ now have the prefix sh_conf in front of them for easier identification
- [Update] Completely redesigned the community buttons config file to make things easier
- [Update] Removed /sh/sh_conf_buttons.lua from script => use /sh/sh_conf_community.lua
- [Update] Button description font changed to 'Titillium Web' because of Roboto word run-in.
- [Update] Revised the way internal and external links are handled
- [Bug] Fixed XTask error (Achievement plugin coming soon)
- [Bug] Fixed theme primary color opacity being too high
- [Bug] F4 menu had un-needed code that made phygun / toolgun stripped at loadout.
- [Bug] Live backgrounds / wallpapers weren't loading properly
- [Bug] Added /materials/streamers folder to Autorun file (for fastdl)
- [Bug] Statistics were having a PMS trip and not loading when Amethyst initially loaded on the server
- [Bug] Fixed new Streamers UI having minor bugs
- [Bug] Fixed nil value error with ticker
- [Bug] Fixed forums community button having missing picture (and not showing up)
- [Added] rLib (new library by Richard used for development)
- [Added] Compatibility for Plugin System -> Now supports 3rd party plugins made by other developers. -> Pointshop 2 plugin released. -> Preparations for Achievements plugin. -> Developers guide for Plugin system coming soon.
- [Added] Streamers button on "Community Tab" for advertising network streamers
- [Added] cam, lookat, and offset parameters which allow you to adjust how models show in the menu
- [Added] XP / Level info on Dashboard
- [Change] Theme system revised with better optimization
- [Change] Ability to disable various sections of the player "Dashboard" within the settings page (5+ new settings).
- [Change] Added "Donator" and "Mayor" job icons to help organize certain jobs
- [Bug] Fixed nil issue with Notification system
- [Bug] Fixed error CVar_ColorImage when in Compact Mode
- [Bug] Fixed Shipments / Entities displaying the wrong prices
- [Bug] Fixed "Console" button clearing entire main content window
- [Bug] Fixed issue with entities having a "large gap" between categories in special circumstances
- [Bug] Fixed minor language issue with theme system (Primary Button Color listed twice), should be Primary and Secondary
- Achievements Plugin
- Documentation Plugin
- Translation System (English & French to start with)
- [Added] Console command amethyst_version which displays current version installed vs latest version available.
- [Added] Console command amethyst_pstats_save which will do a force save on ALL player statistics.
- [Added] Hook ShutDown added -- PStats save on server shutdown so players have less chance of losing progress on stats.
- [Added] Support for Pointshop 1 and Pointshop 2 for Player Data on left side. Now displays regular point amount and premium point amount (for ps2).
- [Added] Support for DLCs (new achievements DLC will be released later).
- [Added] Hook support for various things -- documentation will be released later as the final touches are done.
- [Improvement] Optimized a few functions.
- [Improvement] Timer function now global so all timers can be cleared and now get annoying timer failed errors.
- [Improvement] Side tabs now has an 'enabled' parameter and side tab dots now auto-resize based on how many are enabled.
- [Improvement] Re-did the Button visual style for the "Send Notification" button to match buttons on right [jobs, entities, etc] in order to be uniform for the rest of the layout.
- [Improvement] Removed some code that is no longer needed.
- [Bug] itemMax nil value error after the 1.1.0 update due to language translations.
NOTE: Steam Workshop Collection updated in this version - please ensure you update yours as well with a server restart.
- [Added] Notification system
- [Added] Restricted Rank System - themes and settings can now be restricted to either donators only, or staff only based on what parameter you give the setting / theme. So you can now actually have donator only themes.
- [Improvement] Added IsVisible parameter to settings. You can now hide certain settings from players being able to modify it all together (if you want to force players to keep a theme the way it is).
- [Improvement] Static Backgrounds now an option
- [Improvement] Backgrounds and Live Wallpapers now controlled by the theme. Each theme can have their own in a table.
- [Improvement] Compressed some code into new functions to remove excessive duplicate code.
- [Improvement] Console button added to selection list.
- [Improvement] More color options added to settings page.
- [Bug] Fixed issue with "empty" categories throwing an error. Just dims the panel button now.
I made other changes as well, but these are the big ones. Prob another 10 things were changed.
Initial version.