[Any Admin Mod] Secondary User Groups - Easy donation system!

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In short

Easy donation system!

What is this?

This is a system meant to help ease up the clutter that can come with user groups. With Secondary User Groups, you are able to not only have a usergroup meant to assign moderation power, but another one for whatever you wish!

What isn't this?

This is not a permissions system. You will have to configure what each of the groups does in the various addons and environments you would like to use this in. In the config file, there are examples provided for usage in DarkRP, as well as PointShop 1.

If you would like me to try and get native support into an addon, please have the creator contact me.

Practical Use:

This will be most helpful in cases of extended abilities, such as, if someone donated. You could have it so someone who is moderator has the power to moderate under their core group, but under their secondary group, they can use donator privileges just as if they were a dedicated donator group.


  • Modern design
  • Easy to navigate UI
  • Supports all resolutions
  • No specific admin mod required
  • Almost 100% done in game
  • Live updating upon change
  • MySQL support through both mysqloo and tmysql4
  • SQLite support for those without MySQL
  • Console commands to use in systems, such as Prometheus
  • Prevention of accidental group deletion through confirmation system
  • No downloads


sg_adduser "steamid" "group" - Adds a user to a secondary group

sg_removeuser "steamid "- Revokes a user's secondary group

sg_creategroup "group" - Creates a new secondary group

sg_deletegroup "group" - Deletes a secondary group


player:SetSecondaryUserGroup( group ) - Sets a players secondary group SERVER ONLY

player:GetSecondaryUserGroup() - Returns players secondary group

player:IsSecondaryUserGroup( group ) Returns if a player is the specified secondary group

Prometheus Support:

Here is an example that would add a user to a secondary group named "vip"


Drag and drop into addons, configure (lua/sg/secondarygroups/config.lua) to your liking, and restart.


Check my bio for my policy on support.

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5.00 average based on 15 reviews

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This product is marked as unsupported. That means there is no support available for this product.
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