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does this support MySQL?

If you are able to modify the code and implement it, yes.

Hey with this addon, I'm using wos and it targets getusergroup, will this plugin allow me to have them as user but also have them as a special group (It's for events to allow them to get doubleEXP)

The main issue with that is just accessing each and every account of the data in an order fashion as well. Currently, each user is assigned their secondary group with a custom networking system. For me to integrate multiple secondary user groups would mean I would need to practically redo everything (database, backend, frontend, networking, etc.) If it wasn't such a hassle, I'd gladly do it, but for the work it would require, I feel that the hierarchy system works best.
From what I've seen most people do: Primary User Group (admin mod): Power Secondary User Group: Donator status Jobs/Teams: Classification within the gamemode

Couldn't you use a table instead of a string for the secondaryusergroup networked variable? I'm sure you've considered this before and know what it would take to do it that way, but it doesn't seem like it would be too bad. My goal is hierarchical donator ranks in addition to allowing certain people to do certain things. For instance, you're a "loyal donator" and a "builder". Thanks for the quick response.

That would require a reworking of the whole system. The original goal was to make a hierarchy system, so people could keep power ranks and donator ranks separate.

I'd also like to request that you add support for multiple secondary groups, it would be very useful.


If I have a job specifically for VIP but not Mod and I give them VIP as a secondary group, would it give them access to that job?

It doesn’t.

Does the commands not collide with the Serverguard commands because it uses sg_ aswell for console commands

They can't have ULX perms, this is a system that is independent of ULX.

Hi does this script allow me to have a staff group, (admin) and be able to add the user the another group with a different set of ulx perms and allow them to have both?

Yeah, it won’t auto-update unless you do it through Lua, however.

Can i change group in MySQL, and it will change in gmod?


Would i be able to set someones max HP using this or armor? Like SetMaxHp?

What do you want multiple groups for?

It’s not that easy to add... It would require a full rewrite of everything, and I don’t see a real reason to do this if it is used in a hierarchy-style.

Can you please make it so that you can have just more than 1 secondary usergroup. Multiple would help a lot more.

Understandable. My mindset was really, if they need help, I can help, if not, then it’s just there unused.

already have, and figured it was for testing/debugging but perhaps not best practice to sell code that automatically allows you personally to access the admin function of it

@jwgamesuk It's there for debug. If you want to remove it you can just remove it.