If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
I'm sure this is probably an oversight, just something left over from testing, but can you remove your steam ids from the SG.cfg.Groups table in the next release.

ah, would this conflict with 2 other addons? ULX Restriction System? ShadowBan script?

There isn’t support for multiple. It’s meant to be more of a hierarchy style system over power.

forget my previous comment, just a quick question tho, is it possible to have multiple secondary usergroups? like say a user has 3. their primary is admin and they also have vip and trainer as secondary groups

could you release a video demonstrating how it works in game? for example a user group that is able to spawn props and a user group that is not able to spawn props but can set player models. and give both groups so that a player with the groups could do both? aswell would having the URS addon for ULX cause problems if say the limit on props for 1 group was higher then the other?

sounds gay

How to agree rate Luna's comment?

ur workshop item is gay lol

I ended up releasing my Easy Donation System on the Workshop, it's similar to this but works a bit differently which could be better or worse depending how you want it setup.

Been looking for this for like YEARS - good job Beast. glws

I have a question... On my server I have 4 superadmins, but we all have our roles but don't want to create separate ranks because a lot of addons such as FPP don't work with custom ULX ranks above admin. We have a developer, community manager, owner and co-owner all using the same rank and it's confusing for the players because it shows ranks on the scoreboard. Is it possible to give each superadmin their own secondary rank and make it show on the scoreboard and in the chat? But I still want every non-superadmin to show their primary rank in the scoreboard and chat. I use aScoreboard and atlaschat, but also have aTags but aTags doesn't really work. If this is possible with this addon I'll buy it if you can set it up for me the way I described.

When people don't know how to do permissions this is what they get good job beast I'll giv u gud succ l8er

Let's make beasts comments positive again!
Good luck with sales!

Let's keep this out of my comments.

@Crazygecko08 who the fk R U?

I did

who invited trump to make a wall of text here

If you didn't understand u should have made a support ticket, i'd gladly explain it! Basically what this addon came from is separating the need to use ulx ranks for donation needs. To get rid of the need to add 3-4 ranks for each administration rank. Think about it this way: An admin goes to use site and buys a vip package, it'll put him to vip, not adminvip, You'll have to manually adjust the rank to admivip, and same for if the package is a monthly package, the admin will be demoted to 'user' and not 'admin'. As an owner of a server for 1 year and more, i can say that these types of addons solved lots of problems that I've encountered with

Bob Hush, still can't understand how to use your system, nor do I realise how to use this. This needs better in-depth description, imo, I don't understand how it's better than making lots of ULX usergroups, or setting a new darkrp var. Kinda variable with UI? I do not judge by the addons affection to other addons.

took u long enough bby

but ur system is gay bob

Yep its basically my system -
I've developed that small system for my server back in the days, because i thought it was necessary. Your system looks flooded with lots of additional features, looks like a great script, GLWS!

@Beast So you'd be able to assign a "Secondary Group" to a certain job for example - or does it just copy over ULX groups for example?