[Any Admin Mod] Secondary User Groups - Easy donation system!

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hl3 Purchased posted

I've been waiting so long for something like this! Thank You!!!

Beast - Graduating [Slow Support] AuthorModerator posted

@Zarken Yes, it’s 100% in game in terms of group creation and management.

mistyisty.pro posted

Beautiful UI. Good luck with sales. :)

Avery Purchased posted

I couldn't resist buying this <3

ahshop3 posted

Glws Michelle

Leah posted

Is this simpler then: https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/1297/custom-donation-system

Momox posted


Owain Purchased posted

Ayyy!! glws

Rexxor posted

false advertising 1 feature is No downloads but you have to download the script, 4/10 not buying now

Sensei Hiraku Purchased posted

Is it compatible with Serverguard?

Beast - Graduating [Slow Support] AuthorModerator posted

@apollo^ It's independent of any admin mod.

viction posted

Also, is there an ability to add a secondary ULX group? as that would work perfectly for me

viction posted


Sneaky posted


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