😍 AShop (Credit Store, Accessories, Skins, Cosmetics, Perm Weapons )

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If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Akulla Author posted

Using premades

Novice_pie Purchased posted

How can I have the initial configuration shown in the video? After installing the plugin, there was nothing at first

Akulla Author posted


Method posted

thank you, is it possible to give credits through donation addons like ember etc?

Akulla Author posted


Method posted

Hello I have a question, is it possible to create separate cases and stuff for certain jobs?

[S3G] Baron Purchased posted

Is it compatible with ArcCW or CW 2.0?

Aidenw_210 Purchased posted

i could do with the command too. also when i go to object types and select lets say perma weps i want to change parent container to weapons but it dont let me pick

Guushi posted

Can I run pointshop 2 and this at the same time?

TVP1 - Mirron Purchased posted

Hi, are you considering a PS2 like PM selection for Models? it would be such a QoL feature for me on my TTT Server... It takes some time to get the model paths of all my Workshop Models and copy them over to make a list item.

Akulla Author posted


'Lix'⁧⁧!.Lixue.¡ Purchased posted

Got a question!

can i replace [wOS] Animation Extension - Base (Code Only) for xdReanimsBase (GMod) Anim Mods base for the taunts?

Sweet Purchased posted

In other it states Currencies, does this mean you can add currencies to purchase things, or you can purchase currencies from the shop with credits?

Zombie Wars Purchased posted

If anyone here uses Prometheus, I was told they would add support for this addon if enough people ask --


[CCT2] Cow Mangler Purchased posted

Zombie Wars It's happening on me too, but it's caused by the workshop content for the addon.

Zombie Wars Purchased posted
● edited

Please help, I have no idea whats causing this purple checker when shooting at any npc not just zombies- Maybe something with the Pixel blow finisher but idk



Looks like its fixed!

Vicentefelipechile Purchased posted

What needs to be entered in these entries?

A link to an image or address to a texture?

[CCT2] Cow Mangler Purchased posted

Would you consider adding individual skins that only apply to a single weapon?

ΔCΣ Shadyz posted

It'd be nice for developers to put which files were effected to the changelogs. Thanks also when adding items to crates, could you make it PLEASE be able to do it by a string of already made items, instead of a list for my sanity would be great :)

Yautja Purchased posted

I would like to suggest adding a SELECT ALL for when you import a Preset or even something to filter it easier to select specific things based on name, etc.

Also, another view that doesn't involve the Superadmin taking the STEAM64 from the player to check the logs and/or the Inventory (to add or remove), for example, a table of the current ONLINE players, then the off lines, we use the current system.

Mr. Dexter Purchased posted

Any plans on adding in selling of items and a filter by bought feature?

ΔCΣ Shadyz posted

Which files were affected with the new update?

Akulla Author posted

I won't provide support over discussion, for any reason. The owner use the ticket system.

ΔCΣ Shadyz posted
● edited

Correct. The owner (EWAN) is the addon owner. he currently has a ticket open, but as the developer for his server, i've come across these issues and our time zones are different. Hence why i've been putting it here.


A more concerning issue, however, is the items lose on death when equipped isn't saving properly.

Spending 40 minutes turning off for each pre-set just for it to revert itself back to on



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