If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Go to lua/atlaschat/cl_init.lua
Search in your text editor KEY_ESCAPE and find the lines:
if (input.IsKeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) and ValidPanel(panel) and panel:IsVisible()) then
atlaschat.theme.Call("OnToggle", false)
timer.Simple(FrameTime() *0.5, function() RunConsoleCommand("cancelselect") end)
replace for this:
if (input.IsKeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) and ValidPanel(panel) and panel:IsVisible()) then
atlaschat.theme.Call("OnToggle", false)
I haven't purchased this, but since it's not supported I had to fix it for a server owner friend.
Another way is to remove the line:
"timer.Simple(FrameTime() *0.5, function() RunConsoleCommand("cancelselect") end)"
and replace for this:

That is what I thought, as I bought Atlas Chat from an account I don't have any more, I don't know the fix I can do :/

Sensy a gmod update made a command blocked for security
timer.Simple(FrameTime() *0.5, function() RunConsoleCommand("cancelselect") end)
you can no longer run cancelselect from a lua script so thats why

Hello, here is a new lua error I have since few weeks, i do'nt know why :
[atlaschat] RunConsoleCommand: Command is blocked! (cancelselect)
1. unknown - addons/atlaschat/lua/atlaschat/cl_init.lua:994

add other language : Fr

Does this addon have a customisable character limit for chat messages?

Wanted to ask someone who knows about addons errors because 1 addons don't work for me I've already installed Garry's Mod just threw down all addons and reinstalled it doesn't work can someone help me there
So the addons that don't work are called atlasat

Invisible text.. Im confused.

Hello, why are you saving all players in the atlashchat_players table even if they don't have a title? Its gives as a result of very long loading at the start of the server when we have + 10k unique players

Is it possible for this to support secondary user groups? specifically for what GAdminSuite provides? would be useful to reward players with tags without having to create brand new ranks that are either unique for the single player or have to be matched to other ranks etc.

Nick, I don't remember if that is intentional or if it is a bug/something I forgot. It will not be fixed.
Sebastian and others: I am working on a new Atlas Chat . There will be translation in that version. It will be released at some point, there is no date set.

Suggestion: You should put a translator in this addon. If someone speaks a different language, it converts it to a selected language and you can speak back in that language as well and it should also say like (spanish) on the right if it converted from spanish.

Say, is there a reason why the text isn't scrolling down automatically when the chat is active?

hello i was wondering if you can make chat commands silent eg. SAM

is the text in the chat box supposed to be broken up or is that a user side glitch

Say, is there a reason why text doesn't scroll down automatically when atlaschat is active?

not to sound mean but i think this is a bit expensive for what it is.

Dragotiger, a user made this site:

is there a list of semotes please?

<icon 1,1>decals/rendershadow</icon> crashes all players

Retr0, if you download leaks/stolen addons yes.

Heard there was a Backdoor or some kind of exploit... If it's true does it still exist?