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Curator's Featured Review
AWarn 3 - The perfect warning system for your server.
Upon first purchasing it, I was expecting just another version of AWarn 2. Instead, it surpassed all my expectations and has done everything I've needed it to do. While I did, at first, have some trouble importing the previous warns we had from AWarn 2 on my server, I opened a support ticket, got nearly immediate responses, and resolved the issue quick. All of my old warnings from AWarn 2 are now there, and AWarn 3 itself is already a phenomenal addon. With it's high amount of modification options, far sleeker look compared to it's predecessor, ability to import AWarn 2 data, and overall ease of use, I can assure you it is the best option for a warning system for your server. I plan to use this on any server I manage in the future and I plan to keep enjoying it.
In short
AWarn3 is a complete server warning and punishment suite. Give and track warnings to your players as well as automatically dish out automated punishments to repeat offenders. All of this with a new slick modern User Interface! Don't settle for cheap knockoffs, get the original warning system today!
Check out the included collapsibles below for more details and information on AWarn3!
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to send me a PM or put in a ticket if you already own AWarn3
Warn Players With Ease!
- Players with the proper permissions can warn players and track the warnings of players who are on the server.
Track Players Even If They Are Offline!
- Easily search through every player who has ever connected to your server and view their warnings!
- You can use this offline player view to set player notes and even warn offline players!
Players Can See Their Own Warnings
- Players are notified when they receive warnings from your staff.
- Players can easily open the warning menu and view their own warnings without seeing the warnings of other users.
Be Notified When Trouble Players Join Your Server
- If enabled, connected staff will be notified in chat when a player who has warnings joins the server so they can view the warnings and keep an eye on that player.
Full Cross-Server MYSQL Support!
- AWarn3 uses SQL for reliability and speed!
- By default, AWarn3 utilizes Garry's Mod's built in SQLite database, requiring no 3rd party libraries.
- AWarn3 also provides support for MySQLOO, which switches the data over to a MySQL database, enabling you to use the same database on multiple servers.
Automate Punishments!
- If you want, you can enable punishments through AWarn3.
- Kick, Ban, or even demote players who receive too many warnings on your server.
- All of these punishments are fully configurable.
Prevent Abuse!
- You can give individual players or entire groups the "awarn_immune" permission, which prevents them from being warned by anyone.
Allow Players To Redeem Themselves!
- Active warnings (the warnings used to determine punishments) can be configured to decay over time.
- This gives players a chance to be rewarded for their good behavior.
Use AWarn3 With or Without An Admin Mod
- You can use AWarn3 all by itself and it will just use the built in admin and superadmin groups in Garry's Mod.
- AWarn3 also has support for ALL of the current popular admin mods and any admin mod that implements CAMI. (Most current admin mods implement CAMI)
Develop Plugins!
- Certain aspects are exposed through hooks for developer implementations.
Support For MANY Languages
- Language support is built in. Clients can choose their own language from installed languages for the Menu text.
- Many different languages have been submitted by users over time! If yours isn't there, let me know!
Discord Logging
- Discord logging supported! AWarn3 can print to a discord channel through webhooks when players are warned/kicked/banned through AWarn3.
awarn warn <player name/SteamID> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
awarn removewarn <playername/SteamID> - Removes a single active warning from a player.
awarn deletewarnings <player name/SteamID> - Deletes all warnings from a player.
awarn menu - Opens the AWarn3 Menu.
!warn - Opens the AWarn3 Menu
!warn <player/steamid> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
The chat command can be configured in the in-game configuration menu.
- Included support for the following admin mods:
- sAdmin
- xAdmin and xAdmin 2
- ServerGuard
- CAMI (Support for any admin mod that has CAMI permission integrations) - Support may be limited by the admin mod's implementation of CAMI.
- The following permissions should be used with your respective admin mods:
- awarn_view - Ability to view other players' warnings
- awarn_warn - Ability to warn other players
- awarn_remove - Ability to remove active warnings from players.
- awarn_delete - Ability to delete single warnings and all warnings from players.
- awarn_options - Ability to edit server options.
- awarn_immune - Immune from being warned by anyone!
If you want to reset all of your server data and remove all warnings for everyone, you can just do the following from the server console:
awarn resettodefault
You have to run the above command from the server console (if you are a listen server host, it will work too) to prevent this from being accidentally used or abused.
After running it, restart your server and all data will be reset.
Note: This feature was added to version 1.1. Anyone on an older version will have to update to 1.1 or later first before using this command.
AWarn3 had a major overhaul to the way data is stored as well as what data is stored and how. That being said, AWarn3 is NOT directly backwards compatible with AWarn2. You will need to completely uninstall AWarn2 before installing AWarn3. If you are running the stock SQLite version (not using MySQL) you can use the included importer to import AWarn2 warnings into AWarn3. Some things like admin names won't import because that is something I track differently and is not possible to import from AWarn2.
To import AWarn2 Data (New feature as of version 1.2):
Run the command awarn3_import as a superadmin from in your game.
If you are on a version of AWarn3 prior to 1.2, you will need to upgrade your AWarn3 to 1.2 or later before you can import AWarn2 data.
- If you are happy with AWarn2 and don't care for the new UI or optimizations to AWarn3? There is no reason to buy AWarn3.
- Now that AWarn3 is out, AWarn2 is deprecated and will only be receiving security and bug fixes.
- If you don't think $6.99 is too much and want to support me! <3
Awarn3 has 4 different punishments you can configure for when players reach predetermined warning thresholds.
- This does exactly what it sounds like. It'll use your admin systems built in kick function to remove the player from the server.
- This will ban the player from the server. It will attempt to use your installed admin system. You can define a ban length.
Change User Group
- If you have a CAMI compliant admin system (most are) then it will allow you to set a player's usergroup when they receive this punishment. Good for having a "timeout" group or something like that so you can restrict permissions on them.
Custom Command
- This allows you to run any custom console command where you can pass the player's name or steamid as a parameter. This opens up the option for many different kinds of punishments. You can use it to jail a user or to teleport them to an admin sit. Anything that has a custom console command that accepts the player's name or id as a parameter will work.
- When writing your custom command in the AWarn3 configuration window, there are some string replacements to know:
- %n : this will replace with the player's name (escaped in quotes)
- %s : this will replace with the player's steamid.
- %i : this will replace with the player's steamid64.
- For example: You can create a punishment to ULX Jail a player when they receive 3 warnings by entering the following in the "Custom Command" field:
- ulx jail %n
- This returns the total active warning count for the player.
AWarn:SetPlayerActiveWarnings( Player pl , Integer warnings, Boolean shouldWrite )
pl - Player - Player whose warnings you want to set
warnings - Integer - How many active warnings to set on the player.
shouldWrite - Boolean - Save this count to the database
Note: This function will not trigger punishments, only set the active warnings on a player. Mostly used internally.
AWarn:AddActiveWarning( String PlayerID, Integer numAdd )
PlayerID - Player - 64bit Steam ID of Player receiving the Active Warning.
numAdd - Integer - Number of active warnings to add.
Note: This function will trigger punishments after modifying the active warning count on a player. Use this if you want to add warnings and have it trigger a punishment.
AWarn:CreateWarningID( String PlayerID, String AdminID, String WarningReason )
PlayerID - String - 64bit Steam ID of Player receiving the warning
AdminID - String - 64bit Steam ID of Admin doing the warning. nil for CONSOLE
WarningReason - Boolean - Reason for the warning. Can be nil
AWarnPlayerWarned( Player targetply, String adminid, String warningreason ) -- CALLED SERVERSIDE
targetply - Player entity that was warned.
adminid - SteamID64 of the admin who did the warning.
warningreason - The reason provided for the warning.
AWarnPlayerIDWarned( String targetid, String adminid, String warningreason ) --CALLED SERVERSIDE
targetid - SteamID64 of the player that was warned.
adminid - SteamID64 of the admin who did the warning.
warningreason - The reason provided for the warning.
AWarnPunishment( Player pl, String pType ) --CALLED SERVERSIDE
pl - Player Entity of the player that was warned.
pType - Punishment Type that was given to the player.
-- kick, ban, group, command
Warn Players With Ease!
- Players with the proper permissions can warn players and track the warnings of players who are on the server.
Track Players Even If They Are Offline!
- Easily search through every player who has ever connected to your server and view their warnings!
- You can use this offline player view to set player notes and even warn offline players!
Players Can See Their Own Warnings
- Players are notified when they receive warnings from your staff.
- Players can easily open the warning menu and view their own warnings without seeing the warnings of other users.
Be Notified When Trouble Players Join Your Server
- If enabled, connected staff will be notified in chat when a player who has warnings joins the server so they can view the warnings and keep an eye on that player.
Full Cross-Server MYSQL Support!
- AWarn3 uses SQL for reliability and speed!
- By default, AWarn3 utilizes Garry's Mod's built in SQLite database, requiring no 3rd party libraries.
- AWarn3 also provides support for MySQLOO, which switches the data over to a MySQL database, enabling you to use the same database on multiple servers.
Automate Punishments!
- If you want, you can enable punishments through AWarn3.
- Kick, Ban, or even demote players who receive too many warnings on your server.
- All of these punishments are fully configurable.
Prevent Abuse!
- You can give individual players or entire groups the "awarn_immune" permission, which prevents them from being warned by anyone.
Allow Players To Redeem Themselves!
- Active warnings (the warnings used to determine punishments) can be configured to decay over time.
- This gives players a chance to be rewarded for their good behavior.
Use AWarn3 With or Without An Admin Mod
- You can use AWarn3 all by itself and it will just use the built in admin and superadmin groups in Garry's Mod.
- AWarn3 also has support for ALL of the current popular admin mods and any admin mod that implements CAMI. (Most current admin mods implement CAMI)
Develop Plugins!
- Certain aspects are exposed through hooks for developer implementations.
Support For MANY Languages
- Language support is built in. Clients can choose their own language from installed languages for the Menu text.
- Many different languages have been submitted by users over time! If yours isn't there, let me know!
Discord Logging
- Discord logging supported! AWarn3 can print to a discord channel through webhooks when players are warned/kicked/banned through AWarn3.
awarn warn <player name/SteamID> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
awarn removewarn <playername/SteamID> - Removes a single active warning from a player.
awarn deletewarnings <player name/SteamID> - Deletes all warnings from a player.
awarn menu - Opens the AWarn3 Menu.
!warn - Opens the AWarn3 Menu
!warn <player/steamid> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
The chat command can be configured in the in-game configuration menu.
- Included support for the following admin mods:
- sAdmin
- xAdmin and xAdmin 2
- ServerGuard
- CAMI (Support for any admin mod that has CAMI permission integrations) - Support may be limited by the admin mod's implementation of CAMI.
- The following permissions should be used with your respective admin mods:
- awarn_view - Ability to view other players' warnings
- awarn_warn - Ability to warn other players
- awarn_remove - Ability to remove active warnings from players.
- awarn_delete - Ability to delete single warnings and all warnings from players.
- awarn_options - Ability to edit server options.
- awarn_immune - Immune from being warned by anyone!
If you want to reset all of your server data and remove all warnings for everyone, you can just do the following from the server console:
awarn resettodefault
You have to run the above command from the server console (if you are a listen server host, it will work too) to prevent this from being accidentally used or abused.
After running it, restart your server and all data will be reset.
Note: This feature was added to version 1.1. Anyone on an older version will have to update to 1.1 or later first before using this command.
AWarn3 had a major overhaul to the way data is stored as well as what data is stored and how. That being said, AWarn3 is NOT directly backwards compatible with AWarn2. You will need to completely uninstall AWarn2 before installing AWarn3. If you are running the stock SQLite version (not using MySQL) you can use the included importer to import AWarn2 warnings into AWarn3. Some things like admin names won't import because that is something I track differently and is not possible to import from AWarn2.
To import AWarn2 Data (New feature as of version 1.2):
Run the command awarn3_import as a superadmin from in your game.
If you are on a version of AWarn3 prior to 1.2, you will need to upgrade your AWarn3 to 1.2 or later before you can import AWarn2 data.
- If you are happy with AWarn2 and don't care for the new UI or optimizations to AWarn3? There is no reason to buy AWarn3.
- Now that AWarn3 is out, AWarn2 is deprecated and will only be receiving security and bug fixes.
- If you don't think $6.99 is too much and want to support me! <3
Awarn3 has 4 different punishments you can configure for when players reach predetermined warning thresholds.
- This does exactly what it sounds like. It'll use your admin systems built in kick function to remove the player from the server.
- This will ban the player from the server. It will attempt to use your installed admin system. You can define a ban length.
Change User Group
- If you have a CAMI compliant admin system (most are) then it will allow you to set a player's usergroup when they receive this punishment. Good for having a "timeout" group or something like that so you can restrict permissions on them.
Custom Command
- This allows you to run any custom console command where you can pass the player's name or steamid as a parameter. This opens up the option for many different kinds of punishments. You can use it to jail a user or to teleport them to an admin sit. Anything that has a custom console command that accepts the player's name or id as a parameter will work.
- When writing your custom command in the AWarn3 configuration window, there are some string replacements to know:
- %n : this will replace with the player's name (escaped in quotes)
- %s : this will replace with the player's steamid.
- %i : this will replace with the player's steamid64.
- For example: You can create a punishment to ULX Jail a player when they receive 3 warnings by entering the following in the "Custom Command" field:
- ulx jail %n
1. In your database, create a new database for AWarn3. You can call it whatever you like, but remember that AWarn3 IS NOT COMPATIBLE with AWarn2, so use a new database if updating.
2. Make sure you have an SQL user that has read and write access to that database.
3. Go into awarn3/lua/includes/awarn3_sql.lua and edit the connection info at the top.
4. In game, you can open the AWarn3 menu and configure your server's name (for multiple servers).
Please Note: This is as much support for MySQL as I will give (outside of genuine bugs). I provide support for MYSQL as a convenience, but it is up to you to know how to set up your MySQL server and gmod plugin.
Warn Players With Ease!
- Players with the proper permissions can warn players and track the warnings of players who are on the server.
Track Players Even If They Are Offline!
- Easily search through every player who has ever connected to your server and view their warnings!
- You can use this offline player view to set player notes and even warn offline players!
Players Can See Their Own Warnings
- Players are notified when they receive warnings from your staff.
- Players can easily open the warning menu and view their own warnings without seeing the warnings of other users.
Be Notified When Trouble Players Join Your Server
- If enabled, connected staff will be notified in chat when a player who has warnings joins the server so they can view the warnings and keep an eye on that player.
Full Cross-Server MYSQL Support!
- AWarn3 uses SQL for reliability and speed!
- By default, AWarn3 utilizes Garry's Mod's built in SQLite database, requiring no 3rd party libraries.
- AWarn3 also provides support for MySQLOO, which switches the data over to a MySQL database, enabling you to use the same database on multiple servers.
Automate Punishments!
- If you want, you can enable punishments through AWarn3.
- Kick, Ban, or even demote players who receive too many warnings on your server.
- All of these punishments are fully configurable.
Prevent Abuse!
- You can give individual players or entire groups the "awarn_immune" permission, which prevents them from being warned by anyone.
Allow Players To Redeem Themselves!
- Active warnings (the warnings used to determine punishments) can be configured to decay over time.
- This gives players a chance to be rewarded for their good behavior.
Use AWarn3 With or Without An Admin Mod
- You can use AWarn3 all by itself and it will just use the built in admin and superadmin groups in Garry's Mod.
- AWarn3 also has support for ALL of the current popular admin mods and any admin mod that implements CAMI. (Most current admin mods implement CAMI)
Develop Plugins!
- Certain aspects are exposed through hooks for developer implementations.
Support For MANY Languages
- Language support is built in. Clients can choose their own language from installed languages for the Menu text.
- Many different languages have been submitted by users over time! If yours isn't there, let me know!
Discord Logging
- Discord logging supported! AWarn3 can print to a discord channel through webhooks when players are warned/kicked/banned through AWarn3.
awarn warn <player name/SteamID> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
awarn removewarn <playername/SteamID> - Removes a single active warning from a player.
awarn deletewarnings <player name/SteamID> - Deletes all warnings from a player.
awarn menu - Opens the AWarn3 Menu.
!warn - Opens the AWarn3 Menu
!warn <player/steamid> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
The chat command can be configured in the in-game configuration menu.
- Included support for the following admin mods:
- sAdmin
- xAdmin and xAdmin 2
- ServerGuard
- CAMI (Support for any admin mod that has CAMI permission integrations) - Support may be limited by the admin mod's implementation of CAMI.
- The following permissions should be used with your respective admin mods:
- awarn_view - Ability to view other players' warnings
- awarn_warn - Ability to warn other players
- awarn_remove - Ability to remove active warnings from players.
- awarn_delete - Ability to delete single warnings and all warnings from players.
- awarn_options - Ability to edit server options.
- awarn_immune - Immune from being warned by anyone!
If you want to reset all of your server data and remove all warnings for everyone, you can just do the following from the server console:
awarn resettodefault
You have to run the above command from the server console (if you are a listen server host, it will work too) to prevent this from being accidentally used or abused.
After running it, restart your server and all data will be reset.
Note: This feature was added to version 1.1. Anyone on an older version will have to update to 1.1 or later first before using this command.
AWarn3 had a major overhaul to the way data is stored as well as what data is stored and how. That being said, AWarn3 is NOT directly backwards compatible with AWarn2. You will need to completely uninstall AWarn2 before installing AWarn3. If you are running the stock SQLite version (not using MySQL) you can use the included importer to import AWarn2 warnings into AWarn3. Some things like admin names won't import because that is something I track differently and is not possible to import from AWarn2.
To import AWarn2 Data (New feature as of version 1.2):
Run the command awarn3_import as a superadmin from in your game.
If you are on a version of AWarn3 prior to 1.2, you will need to upgrade your AWarn3 to 1.2 or later before you can import AWarn2 data.
- If you are happy with AWarn2 and don't care for the new UI or optimizations to AWarn3? There is no reason to buy AWarn3.
- Now that AWarn3 is out, AWarn2 is deprecated and will only be receiving security and bug fixes.
- If you don't think $6.99 is too much and want to support me! <3
Awarn3 has 4 different punishments you can configure for when players reach predetermined warning thresholds.
- This does exactly what it sounds like. It'll use your admin systems built in kick function to remove the player from the server.
- This will ban the player from the server. It will attempt to use your installed admin system. You can define a ban length.
Change User Group
- If you have a CAMI compliant admin system (most are) then it will allow you to set a player's usergroup when they receive this punishment. Good for having a "timeout" group or something like that so you can restrict permissions on them.
Custom Command
- This allows you to run any custom console command where you can pass the player's name or steamid as a parameter. This opens up the option for many different kinds of punishments. You can use it to jail a user or to teleport them to an admin sit. Anything that has a custom console command that accepts the player's name or id as a parameter will work.
- When writing your custom command in the AWarn3 configuration window, there are some string replacements to know:
- %n : this will replace with the player's name (escaped in quotes)
- %s : this will replace with the player's steamid.
- %i : this will replace with the player's steamid64.
- For example: You can create a punishment to ULX Jail a player when they receive 3 warnings by entering the following in the "Custom Command" field:
- ulx jail %n
Installation is super simple!
- unpack and move the awarn3 folder into your addons folder. (same as any addon)
- There is a workshop addon included for the graphics/icons and clients should automatically download it. If you want to manually add it to your server's pack, here is the workshop link for the content:
Enabling the Discord Logging:
- Open lua/includes/awarn3_discordlogging.lua
- Enable the setting to turn it on at the top.
- Enter your Discord WebHook address in the appropriate field.
- (optional) Upload the included discordrelay.php to your webserver and point to it in the configuration file. You can use mine if you want.
Upgrading from AWarn2:
- If you are NOT using MySQL, you can use the included migration tool to migrate your AWarn2 data.
- From inside your game (need to be a superadmin) run the command:
- awarn3_import
- This will prompt you to import your AWarn2 data and tell you how to proceed.
- Only run the import ONCE or you may have duplicate data.
Warn Players With Ease!
- Players with the proper permissions can warn players and track the warnings of players who are on the server.
Track Players Even If They Are Offline!
- Easily search through every player who has ever connected to your server and view their warnings!
- You can use this offline player view to set player notes and even warn offline players!
Players Can See Their Own Warnings
- Players are notified when they receive warnings from your staff.
- Players can easily open the warning menu and view their own warnings without seeing the warnings of other users.
Be Notified When Trouble Players Join Your Server
- If enabled, connected staff will be notified in chat when a player who has warnings joins the server so they can view the warnings and keep an eye on that player.
Full Cross-Server MYSQL Support!
- AWarn3 uses SQL for reliability and speed!
- By default, AWarn3 utilizes Garry's Mod's built in SQLite database, requiring no 3rd party libraries.
- AWarn3 also provides support for MySQLOO, which switches the data over to a MySQL database, enabling you to use the same database on multiple servers.
Automate Punishments!
- If you want, you can enable punishments through AWarn3.
- Kick, Ban, or even demote players who receive too many warnings on your server.
- All of these punishments are fully configurable.
Prevent Abuse!
- You can give individual players or entire groups the "awarn_immune" permission, which prevents them from being warned by anyone.
Allow Players To Redeem Themselves!
- Active warnings (the warnings used to determine punishments) can be configured to decay over time.
- This gives players a chance to be rewarded for their good behavior.
Use AWarn3 With or Without An Admin Mod
- You can use AWarn3 all by itself and it will just use the built in admin and superadmin groups in Garry's Mod.
- AWarn3 also has support for ALL of the current popular admin mods and any admin mod that implements CAMI. (Most current admin mods implement CAMI)
Develop Plugins!
- Certain aspects are exposed through hooks for developer implementations.
Support For MANY Languages
- Language support is built in. Clients can choose their own language from installed languages for the Menu text.
- Many different languages have been submitted by users over time! If yours isn't there, let me know!
Discord Logging
- Discord logging supported! AWarn3 can print to a discord channel through webhooks when players are warned/kicked/banned through AWarn3.
awarn warn <player name/SteamID> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
awarn removewarn <playername/SteamID> - Removes a single active warning from a player.
awarn deletewarnings <player name/SteamID> - Deletes all warnings from a player.
awarn menu - Opens the AWarn3 Menu.
!warn - Opens the AWarn3 Menu
!warn <player/steamid> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
The chat command can be configured in the in-game configuration menu.
- Included support for the following admin mods:
- sAdmin
- xAdmin and xAdmin 2
- ServerGuard
- CAMI (Support for any admin mod that has CAMI permission integrations) - Support may be limited by the admin mod's implementation of CAMI.
- The following permissions should be used with your respective admin mods:
- awarn_view - Ability to view other players' warnings
- awarn_warn - Ability to warn other players
- awarn_remove - Ability to remove active warnings from players.
- awarn_delete - Ability to delete single warnings and all warnings from players.
- awarn_options - Ability to edit server options.
- awarn_immune - Immune from being warned by anyone!
If you want to reset all of your server data and remove all warnings for everyone, you can just do the following from the server console:
awarn resettodefault
You have to run the above command from the server console (if you are a listen server host, it will work too) to prevent this from being accidentally used or abused.
After running it, restart your server and all data will be reset.
Note: This feature was added to version 1.1. Anyone on an older version will have to update to 1.1 or later first before using this command.
AWarn3 had a major overhaul to the way data is stored as well as what data is stored and how. That being said, AWarn3 is NOT directly backwards compatible with AWarn2. You will need to completely uninstall AWarn2 before installing AWarn3. If you are running the stock SQLite version (not using MySQL) you can use the included importer to import AWarn2 warnings into AWarn3. Some things like admin names won't import because that is something I track differently and is not possible to import from AWarn2.
To import AWarn2 Data (New feature as of version 1.2):
Run the command awarn3_import as a superadmin from in your game.
If you are on a version of AWarn3 prior to 1.2, you will need to upgrade your AWarn3 to 1.2 or later before you can import AWarn2 data.
- If you are happy with AWarn2 and don't care for the new UI or optimizations to AWarn3? There is no reason to buy AWarn3.
- Now that AWarn3 is out, AWarn2 is deprecated and will only be receiving security and bug fixes.
- If you don't think $6.99 is too much and want to support me! <3
Awarn3 has 4 different punishments you can configure for when players reach predetermined warning thresholds.
- This does exactly what it sounds like. It'll use your admin systems built in kick function to remove the player from the server.
- This will ban the player from the server. It will attempt to use your installed admin system. You can define a ban length.
Change User Group
- If you have a CAMI compliant admin system (most are) then it will allow you to set a player's usergroup when they receive this punishment. Good for having a "timeout" group or something like that so you can restrict permissions on them.
Custom Command
- This allows you to run any custom console command where you can pass the player's name or steamid as a parameter. This opens up the option for many different kinds of punishments. You can use it to jail a user or to teleport them to an admin sit. Anything that has a custom console command that accepts the player's name or id as a parameter will work.
- When writing your custom command in the AWarn3 configuration window, there are some string replacements to know:
- %n : this will replace with the player's name (escaped in quotes)
- %s : this will replace with the player's steamid.
- %i : this will replace with the player's steamid64.
- For example: You can create a punishment to ULX Jail a player when they receive 3 warnings by entering the following in the "Custom Command" field:
- ulx jail %n
I offer support TWO different ways
- You can open a support ticket here through gmodstore.
- You can get support through my discord.
If you choose to use discord, please do not DM me, just post in the #awarn3-support channel. Also, be prepared to provide your gmodstore profile so I can verify ownership before I provide support.
Warn Players With Ease!
- Players with the proper permissions can warn players and track the warnings of players who are on the server.
Track Players Even If They Are Offline!
- Easily search through every player who has ever connected to your server and view their warnings!
- You can use this offline player view to set player notes and even warn offline players!
Players Can See Their Own Warnings
- Players are notified when they receive warnings from your staff.
- Players can easily open the warning menu and view their own warnings without seeing the warnings of other users.
Be Notified When Trouble Players Join Your Server
- If enabled, connected staff will be notified in chat when a player who has warnings joins the server so they can view the warnings and keep an eye on that player.
Full Cross-Server MYSQL Support!
- AWarn3 uses SQL for reliability and speed!
- By default, AWarn3 utilizes Garry's Mod's built in SQLite database, requiring no 3rd party libraries.
- AWarn3 also provides support for MySQLOO, which switches the data over to a MySQL database, enabling you to use the same database on multiple servers.
Automate Punishments!
- If you want, you can enable punishments through AWarn3.
- Kick, Ban, or even demote players who receive too many warnings on your server.
- All of these punishments are fully configurable.
Prevent Abuse!
- You can give individual players or entire groups the "awarn_immune" permission, which prevents them from being warned by anyone.
Allow Players To Redeem Themselves!
- Active warnings (the warnings used to determine punishments) can be configured to decay over time.
- This gives players a chance to be rewarded for their good behavior.
Use AWarn3 With or Without An Admin Mod
- You can use AWarn3 all by itself and it will just use the built in admin and superadmin groups in Garry's Mod.
- AWarn3 also has support for ALL of the current popular admin mods and any admin mod that implements CAMI. (Most current admin mods implement CAMI)
Develop Plugins!
- Certain aspects are exposed through hooks for developer implementations.
Support For MANY Languages
- Language support is built in. Clients can choose their own language from installed languages for the Menu text.
- Many different languages have been submitted by users over time! If yours isn't there, let me know!
Discord Logging
- Discord logging supported! AWarn3 can print to a discord channel through webhooks when players are warned/kicked/banned through AWarn3.
awarn warn <player name/SteamID> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
awarn removewarn <playername/SteamID> - Removes a single active warning from a player.
awarn deletewarnings <player name/SteamID> - Deletes all warnings from a player.
awarn menu - Opens the AWarn3 Menu.
!warn - Opens the AWarn3 Menu
!warn <player/steamid> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
The chat command can be configured in the in-game configuration menu.
- Included support for the following admin mods:
- sAdmin
- xAdmin and xAdmin 2
- ServerGuard
- CAMI (Support for any admin mod that has CAMI permission integrations) - Support may be limited by the admin mod's implementation of CAMI.
- The following permissions should be used with your respective admin mods:
- awarn_view - Ability to view other players' warnings
- awarn_warn - Ability to warn other players
- awarn_remove - Ability to remove active warnings from players.
- awarn_delete - Ability to delete single warnings and all warnings from players.
- awarn_options - Ability to edit server options.
- awarn_immune - Immune from being warned by anyone!
If you want to reset all of your server data and remove all warnings for everyone, you can just do the following from the server console:
awarn resettodefault
You have to run the above command from the server console (if you are a listen server host, it will work too) to prevent this from being accidentally used or abused.
After running it, restart your server and all data will be reset.
Note: This feature was added to version 1.1. Anyone on an older version will have to update to 1.1 or later first before using this command.
AWarn3 had a major overhaul to the way data is stored as well as what data is stored and how. That being said, AWarn3 is NOT directly backwards compatible with AWarn2. You will need to completely uninstall AWarn2 before installing AWarn3. If you are running the stock SQLite version (not using MySQL) you can use the included importer to import AWarn2 warnings into AWarn3. Some things like admin names won't import because that is something I track differently and is not possible to import from AWarn2.
To import AWarn2 Data (New feature as of version 1.2):
Run the command awarn3_import as a superadmin from in your game.
If you are on a version of AWarn3 prior to 1.2, you will need to upgrade your AWarn3 to 1.2 or later before you can import AWarn2 data.
- If you are happy with AWarn2 and don't care for the new UI or optimizations to AWarn3? There is no reason to buy AWarn3.
- Now that AWarn3 is out, AWarn2 is deprecated and will only be receiving security and bug fixes.
- If you don't think $6.99 is too much and want to support me! <3
Awarn3 has 4 different punishments you can configure for when players reach predetermined warning thresholds.
- This does exactly what it sounds like. It'll use your admin systems built in kick function to remove the player from the server.
- This will ban the player from the server. It will attempt to use your installed admin system. You can define a ban length.
Change User Group
- If you have a CAMI compliant admin system (most are) then it will allow you to set a player's usergroup when they receive this punishment. Good for having a "timeout" group or something like that so you can restrict permissions on them.
Custom Command
- This allows you to run any custom console command where you can pass the player's name or steamid as a parameter. This opens up the option for many different kinds of punishments. You can use it to jail a user or to teleport them to an admin sit. Anything that has a custom console command that accepts the player's name or id as a parameter will work.
- When writing your custom command in the AWarn3 configuration window, there are some string replacements to know:
- %n : this will replace with the player's name (escaped in quotes)
- %s : this will replace with the player's steamid.
- %i : this will replace with the player's steamid64.
- For example: You can create a punishment to ULX Jail a player when they receive 3 warnings by entering the following in the "Custom Command" field:
- ulx jail %n
The following languages are available as part of the download:
English: Provided by Myself
Norwegian: Christoffer
German: Provided by Funny_TV
French: Provided by Jack O Neill
Russian: Provided by ZeK
Turkish: Provided by Mew
Thai: Provided by Kaname
Latin-Spanish: Provided by Tekiad
Polish: Provided by Kyo
Chinese: Provided by
Portugues: Provided by METZY · gmodstore
Brazilian Portuguese: Provided by Razor · gmodstore
If you wish to provide a translation for a language I do not already have, please send me a message!
Here is the English translation file that can be used for making translations for other languages:
Warn Players With Ease!
- Players with the proper permissions can warn players and track the warnings of players who are on the server.
Track Players Even If They Are Offline!
- Easily search through every player who has ever connected to your server and view their warnings!
- You can use this offline player view to set player notes and even warn offline players!
Players Can See Their Own Warnings
- Players are notified when they receive warnings from your staff.
- Players can easily open the warning menu and view their own warnings without seeing the warnings of other users.
Be Notified When Trouble Players Join Your Server
- If enabled, connected staff will be notified in chat when a player who has warnings joins the server so they can view the warnings and keep an eye on that player.
Full Cross-Server MYSQL Support!
- AWarn3 uses SQL for reliability and speed!
- By default, AWarn3 utilizes Garry's Mod's built in SQLite database, requiring no 3rd party libraries.
- AWarn3 also provides support for MySQLOO, which switches the data over to a MySQL database, enabling you to use the same database on multiple servers.
Automate Punishments!
- If you want, you can enable punishments through AWarn3.
- Kick, Ban, or even demote players who receive too many warnings on your server.
- All of these punishments are fully configurable.
Prevent Abuse!
- You can give individual players or entire groups the "awarn_immune" permission, which prevents them from being warned by anyone.
Allow Players To Redeem Themselves!
- Active warnings (the warnings used to determine punishments) can be configured to decay over time.
- This gives players a chance to be rewarded for their good behavior.
Use AWarn3 With or Without An Admin Mod
- You can use AWarn3 all by itself and it will just use the built in admin and superadmin groups in Garry's Mod.
- AWarn3 also has support for ALL of the current popular admin mods and any admin mod that implements CAMI. (Most current admin mods implement CAMI)
Develop Plugins!
- Certain aspects are exposed through hooks for developer implementations.
Support For MANY Languages
- Language support is built in. Clients can choose their own language from installed languages for the Menu text.
- Many different languages have been submitted by users over time! If yours isn't there, let me know!
Discord Logging
- Discord logging supported! AWarn3 can print to a discord channel through webhooks when players are warned/kicked/banned through AWarn3.
awarn warn <player name/SteamID> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
awarn removewarn <playername/SteamID> - Removes a single active warning from a player.
awarn deletewarnings <player name/SteamID> - Deletes all warnings from a player.
awarn menu - Opens the AWarn3 Menu.
!warn - Opens the AWarn3 Menu
!warn <player/steamid> <reason> - Warns a player with given reason.
The chat command can be configured in the in-game configuration menu.
- Included support for the following admin mods:
- sAdmin
- xAdmin and xAdmin 2
- ServerGuard
- CAMI (Support for any admin mod that has CAMI permission integrations) - Support may be limited by the admin mod's implementation of CAMI.
- The following permissions should be used with your respective admin mods:
- awarn_view - Ability to view other players' warnings
- awarn_warn - Ability to warn other players
- awarn_remove - Ability to remove active warnings from players.
- awarn_delete - Ability to delete single warnings and all warnings from players.
- awarn_options - Ability to edit server options.
- awarn_immune - Immune from being warned by anyone!
If you want to reset all of your server data and remove all warnings for everyone, you can just do the following from the server console:
awarn resettodefault
You have to run the above command from the server console (if you are a listen server host, it will work too) to prevent this from being accidentally used or abused.
After running it, restart your server and all data will be reset.
Note: This feature was added to version 1.1. Anyone on an older version will have to update to 1.1 or later first before using this command.
AWarn3 had a major overhaul to the way data is stored as well as what data is stored and how. That being said, AWarn3 is NOT directly backwards compatible with AWarn2. You will need to completely uninstall AWarn2 before installing AWarn3. If you are running the stock SQLite version (not using MySQL) you can use the included importer to import AWarn2 warnings into AWarn3. Some things like admin names won't import because that is something I track differently and is not possible to import from AWarn2.
To import AWarn2 Data (New feature as of version 1.2):
Run the command awarn3_import as a superadmin from in your game.
If you are on a version of AWarn3 prior to 1.2, you will need to upgrade your AWarn3 to 1.2 or later before you can import AWarn2 data.
- If you are happy with AWarn2 and don't care for the new UI or optimizations to AWarn3? There is no reason to buy AWarn3.
- Now that AWarn3 is out, AWarn2 is deprecated and will only be receiving security and bug fixes.
- If you don't think $6.99 is too much and want to support me! <3
Awarn3 has 4 different punishments you can configure for when players reach predetermined warning thresholds.
- This does exactly what it sounds like. It'll use your admin systems built in kick function to remove the player from the server.
- This will ban the player from the server. It will attempt to use your installed admin system. You can define a ban length.
Change User Group
- If you have a CAMI compliant admin system (most are) then it will allow you to set a player's usergroup when they receive this punishment. Good for having a "timeout" group or something like that so you can restrict permissions on them.
Custom Command
- This allows you to run any custom console command where you can pass the player's name or steamid as a parameter. This opens up the option for many different kinds of punishments. You can use it to jail a user or to teleport them to an admin sit. Anything that has a custom console command that accepts the player's name or id as a parameter will work.
- When writing your custom command in the AWarn3 configuration window, there are some string replacements to know:
- %n : this will replace with the player's name (escaped in quotes)
- %s : this will replace with the player's steamid.
- %i : this will replace with the player's steamid64.
- For example: You can create a punishment to ULX Jail a player when they receive 3 warnings by entering the following in the "Custom Command" field:
- ulx jail %n
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