AWarn3 - Warning System

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Txmj122 Purchased posted

Mr. PAwesome thank you

Mr. P AuthorModerator posted

Txmj122 Imperial

I've just released an update that adds a confirmation dialogue to confirm before deleting all of a user's warnings.

Mr. P AuthorModerator posted
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Just because an addon works in a way that you don't agree with, doesn't make it buggy. You reported this in a ticket as a bug... and within literally one minute I responded to you. I'm not sure why you'd think I wouldn't be open to improvements or feature enhancements. I literally took the time to respond to your ticket within 1 minute of you posting. I take customer service on this platform very seriously.

Rather than leave a 1 star review and poor comments, maybe you could offer a suggestion or give me time to actually take your feedback into consideration??? I'd be willing to put in an option for servers to enable that would activate the functionality you are requesting. You claim (in your edited response that I refused to add or change it, which is false. You never asked. Telling me something is a bug, is not asking for something to be changed. I'd have totally worked with you come up with a solution that fits my vision (the way it works now) and tries to solve your problems too. That's how a LOT of the features of AWarn were implemented.

I completely agree with your comment on the confirmation box, and that is something I'm actually currently working on. The update for that should be out soon.

Imperial Purchased posted
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It will keep notifying everyone that a player has a warning despite not having one on their record. Deleting a warning still results in an incorrect warning count, staff have to manually decrease the warning count which is confusing and a hassle. Author claims this is intended but it's buggy behavior for most all use-cases. The user-interface itself could use some work, especially a confirmation when clearing all warnings.

Reached out to the author in support and he flat out refused to consider implementing this count fix, claiming it's not a bug and "doesn't fit my use-case". Does not seem open to feature enhancements or improvements.

Txmj122 Purchased posted

There seems to be a almost fatal flaw, and its that delete all warns button has no prompt to confirm it. and since its irreversible, its devastating. navigating different menus such as Billy's Logs often you need to click different windows while others are open, and they overlap. I've accidentally deleted player's warns and they dont seem to be recoverable. This issue needs to be resolved

Anthony PurchasedModerator posted

cute updates

Mr. P AuthorModerator posted

Kiyomi The usergroup assignment as a punishment has been added in the latest update. :) Thanks for the suggestion.

Snoopi posted


Mr. P AuthorModerator posted

Some of the best AWarn updates have come out of the need to keep up with competitors. I see it more of a compliment. I saw the need to update my product to keep up. :)

Marcuz Admin posted

Don't link to competitors in another addon's discussion Snoopi. It just seems like bait and can cause unnecessary toxicity.

Luca posted

Keeping up with competition is a good thing

Mr. P AuthorModerator posted

I hadn't planned on it, but it's not a bad idea.

Kiyomi Purchased posted

I was wondering if there are any plans to add usergroup assignment as a punishment? E.g. minge, probationary, etc after 2 warnings.

timothy Purchased posted

what files were changed in the new version?

BenJ posted

Hello, I Co-Own a server with Averdime (who purchased the script), and I was wondering where the "Your server is update with online statistics tracking...." is coming from. Is there any way to turn this off. I'm assuming its run through a DRM or somthing, but I have no idea. If you want the purchaser to make a support ticket I will tell them to.

Thybix Purchased posted

Je suis ravi de l’addon

Mr. P AuthorModerator posted
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That is what it does. ☺️

Myrrdin posted

Southpaw so you don't miss it, he released an update a few hours ago that does exactly what you asked for.

Importing it from sv.db :)

Unless I misunderstand.

Southpaw posted

Ah, fair enough, thanks for responding.

That's my concern (losing the years' worth of important warning data), if I can get around that by migrating it, then I'd switch to aWarn3.

Mr. P AuthorModerator posted

If you do continue to use AWarn2, just be warned that there may come a time where a gmod update or something breaks it, and I won't be releasing any more updates/fixes for AWarn2 after September 1st, 2020.... So, you may have to move to another warning system (hopefully AWarn3) at some point regardless. I may look into writing a tool that does it, but no promises.

Mr. P AuthorModerator posted
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Southpaw No, it doesn't. One of the biggest changes from 2 to 3 was the data structure. You could write (or have someone write) a tool that imports the data, but you would have to mock some of the data (make it generic) going into AWarn3.

Southpaw posted

If I switch to aWarn3 from aWarn2, does the sv.db data migrate? Because I'd likely upgrade to this as long as all the warning, active warning and data history regarding aWarn2 doesn't reset.

Mr. P AuthorModerator posted

Of course!

Zomblien Purchased posted

Thanks for making this compatible with SAM I really Appreciate it.

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