- Removed some debug messages that were accidentally left in.
- Fixed an issue warnings couldn't be deleted by some users with delete permissions.
- Added a developer hook for when a player is punished with Awarn3
+ Confirmation dialogue when removing all of a player's warnings. Hopefully this will prevent users from accidentally clicking the button and having all of a player's warnings deleted.
+ There is a new server option (off by default) that will reduce a player's active warnings by 1 (not below 0 though) when a warning is deleted.
- Changed icons to more closely reflect their use. Using trash icons for delete instead of "X" to avoid confusion.
- Changed "Delete All Warnings" from an icon button to a button with text so it's clear what you are clicking on.
Files Changed:
- awarn3_vgui.lua
- Some changed/added images in the materials/vgui folder
- Fix for how gmod checks for installed modules. This update is not required for users who are not using the MySQL module, but anyone running on multiple servers or using the MySQL module will need to update their AWarn to this version.
- You can search players by normal STEAM_0 steamids now as well as Steam64 ids.
- Found another bug where LAC is causing errors due to it's bot's name being longer than expected. Should have gotten them all this time. If you are not using LAC, you don't need to get this update.
Files Changed
- lua/includes/awarn3_sql.lua
- Another fix for errors caused by people setting bot names to more than the max name limit expected by steam...
Files Changed
- lua/includes/awarn3_sql.lua
+ Fixed an issue where bots that have longer names than the expected max character limit of 32 would throw errors on join.
Files Changed
- lua/includes/awarn3_sql.lua
+ Added the ability to run custom console commands as a punishment. This opens up the opportunity to do things like jailing, and teleporting. Anything that you can do with a console command you can now do with this integration!
- Added a version checking feature.
- a message will appear in console when the server's version of AWarn3 doesn't match the latest version available for download.
- A message will appear in the menu for admins when the version of AWarn3 should be updated.
- This feature will (for obvious reasons) not be backwards compatible. Only people with this version or newer will receive these outdated messages.
- Localizations not found in a foreign language will default fall back to English. This will prevent errors or seeing the [NOT SET] text.
- Fixed an issue where presets were not working properly unless the admin had the options permission, changed this to use the more appropriate warn permission.
- Added a Brazilian Portuguese language. Thanks to https://www.gmodstore.com/users/saigonosamurai
- Added support for 21:9 resolutions. Some menus were broken in ultrawide resolutions.
Files Updated/added/Changed:
- aw3_menu_configuration_settings.lua
- awarn3_presets.lua
- awarn3_localization.lua
- pt-br.lua
- en-us.lua
As always, make sure you make any changes to the config files if you override them with the updated files
- Players viewing their own warnings will now see their active warning count on the own-warnings screen.
Files Updated:
- awarn3_vgui
- cl_awarn3
- Added client config option to disable the background blur. Blur defaults to ON.
- Added warning presets
- You can now define warning reason presets so you and your staff can easily warn players for standard things more easily.
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