DarkRP Bank Robbery System 2

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In short

This addon features a new way for criminals to mess around with the police team. It's Cops vs Robbers all over again, and your criminals must try to avoid getting killed by the police when robbing the bank.

In 2014 I released the very first version of my bank robbery system, which quickly become one of the most popular addons on the site (old site CoderHire). This was the first bank robbery system available for sale and many amazing scripts have since been released based on the idea of Cops vs Robbers.

You will always still be able to find the old version of my bank robbery script here.

This script allows for multiple robbers to steal money from the bank vault together or individually. Once a robbery is initialized, police are alerted and must fight against the criminals to stop the robbery. If all robbers dies, the robbery fails and the police are rewarded for killing robbers. However, if at least one robber survives the heist, then the robbery is successful and money is rewarded. It is either split between alive robbers or dropped next to the vault (based on configuration).


✔️ Rob-able bank vault.

✔️ The vault automatically generates money. Duration, amount, etc is configurable.

✔️ The bank displays a cooldown timer on the vault.

✔️ The bank displays a countdown timer on the vault when it's under attack.

✔️ The bank displays current robbers on the vault when it's under attack.

✔️ Alarm sound goes off when the bank is being robbed. Sound, volume and duration can be changed in the config.

✔️ Notifies police when a bank robbery starts.

✔️ Allows for maximum 4 robbers at once.

✔️ Robbers get wanted when starting/joining a robbery.

✔️ Command to permanently save bank vault and it saves by map.

✔️ Distance system. The robbers must stay within the bank or the robbery will fail. Distance is configurable.

✔️ Uses easy to understand tables for police teams and other settings.

✔️ bLogs support.

✔️ Support for Fléodon's Gunshot Spotter.

✔️ Support for Sublime Levels, Vrondakis Level System, Elite XP System (EXP2), DarkRP Essentials, Brick's Essentials and GlorifiedLeveling.

✔️ Over 20 core settings for you to configure.

✔️ Over 45 design settings for the bank vault for you to configure.

✔️ Sleek design.

✔️ And much more!


This addon supports DarkRP 2.7+

Other newer versions should also work. If they do not, please create a ticket so this can be sorted.

Extract "darkrpbankrobbery2" to your addons!

Once you've done that, you will want to set up the location of your bank vault.

All you have to do now is launch your server, find a fitting spot for the vault, type newbankvault_setpos in console and restart your server.

If you want to set the vault at another location, just repeat the step above. It will now show up at your newest given position after 5 seconds.

The bank vault angles are set according to the administrator running the command.

The bank vault model requires Counter Strike Source.

Discord Server

I have recently launched a discord server for customers and anyone else who wish to join. I will occasionally provide exclusive offers and help with minor issues that might occur with my scripts. If you have a more serious problem, please create a support ticket on GModStore.

The new version of this script features a much wider selection of configs. Especially if you've always wanted to configure the looks of the bank.

Default Settings

To customize the addons default core settings, go to darkrpbankrobbery2/lua/ch_bank_robbery/shared/bank_config.lua.

You will find configurations for most of the variables in the script here.

HERE is a pastebin of the default config.

Design Settings

To customize the looks of the bank vault entity, go to darkrpbankrobbery2/lua/ch_bank_robbery/shared/bank_config_design.lua.

In here you will be able to change all the text on the bank vault and every color.

HERE is a pastebin of the default design config.

If you find any problems with the script, please create a support ticket with details of the situation and a copy/paste of the error in console. I am also not interested in modifying you a custom version of the addon. Also not upon payment. Sorry!

Conflicting addons is not to be said if I will support that or not. This is something I will decide upon confrontation about a conflicting addon. If you have some sort of proof that an addon is conflicting with my addon, please send me a PM with the details you might have.

Thank you!

If you like this script, you should check out some of my other addons for DarkRP. Just click the banner to open the script page in a new tab.

Product reviews

4.96 average based on 27 reviews

GoldenTVs [TitaniumRP]
Fonctionne parfaitement
Simple et efficace , support rapide et au top 👍 Je recommande cet addons et également le vendeur !
By GoldenTVs [TitaniumRP] -
(version 2.6.7)
I like the scripts from Crap-Head because they are extremely customizable and functional. They may not be flashy or fancy, but for me that is part of the appeal. Light-weight and perfect.
By democlient -
(version 2.6.8)
Brilliant Addon - Easy to install and place!
I am rather new to setting up my own GMOD server so ease of use is one of the key things for me at the minute. I purchased this addon and within 5 minutes had it configured to how we want it and placed. Tested multiple times with different jobs and the radius (which is perfect) and it worked every time. Great addon if you want to add a bank raid into your server!
By DappaDucko -
(version 2.6.4)
Great addon and very easy for beginners
As a beginner myself, I felt as if this addon was perfect for me as it was easy to set up, so I didn't need support, but from what I heard the support is fantastic. Would recommend.
By chickenlil -
(version 2.6.4)
Great addon with outstanding support!
Recently purchased this addon from Crap-Head to make use of the bank on the map my server is running and it certainly does just that! Highly configurable to tweak every little detail to how you want. I encountered an error which I sent via addon support and Crap-Head replied within minutes and knew exactly what the problem was and sent an update through ASAP! Which fixed it! You won't regret buying this addon, its a must have to enhance the role playing experience on your server and to give it some more action!
By Gibbo -
(version 2.6.2)
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Optimization Update Released

by Crap-Head

After approximately half a year without updates, I have rewritten huge parts of the script to optimize the script to my best abilities. Click here to read more.

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Crap-Head ApS 🔨
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$4.99 $3.24
  • DarkRP
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DarkRP Bank Robbery 2 - Transport DLC
DarkRP Bank Robbery 2 - Transport DLC
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