🐝 Beekeeping System

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Beekeeping System : script overview
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In short

This script adds a brand new way to make money as a beekeper.

BKS is the perfect farming script for your new players to start making money from (almost) nothing.

The main goal as a beekeeper is to clean the city of it's bee nests and to use bees to produce honey.

Beekeeping System has many cool features and is suitable for all DarkRP servers that wants to offer a new touch of realism to their players.

Features :

  • Bee nest (animated)
  • Hive (animated)
  • Honey extractor (animated)
  • Vacuum swep (animated)
  • Smoker swep (animated)
  • Beekeeping Mask
  • Bee swarming
  • Buyer/Seller NPC
  • Wooden crates and wooden frames (for hive)
  • Honey jar (animated)
  • Plastic box (to store jars)
  • Cardboard box (to store bees)
  • Admin tool
  • Custom particles
  • Cool UI and sounds
  • Highly configurable
  • No gravity gun needed for anything
  • Destroyable entities

Languages :

  • English
  • French
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Polish
  • German

Watch the presentation video or read the Full description tab to learn more about how the script works.


1. Wait for a new nest report

A new bee nest will appear randomly on the map every X seconds if conditions are met (minimum amount of players - active beekeeper - don't exceed nest limit).

It will spawn with a random amount of bees. If you're in the right team you'll be notified on when a new nest spawn and his position will be showed in your HUD if you're not too far.

Being to close from a nest without protection can result in being swarmed by bees (see Swarming paragraph).

2. Catch bees (nest)

Use the vacuum SWEP to capture bees then put them in a cardboard box to bring them to you production spot.

If you're in the right team you'll be rewarded with money for each nest cleared.

3. Harvest honey (hive)

After buying your hive, a wooden crate and some frames, you're ready to start producing honey.

The productivity of the hive depends on two factors : the amount of bees in the hive (speed) and the amount of frames it have 'maximum capacity).

To start farming :

- Open the hive

- Put the wooden crate inside

- Insert frames in the crate

- Insert a carboard box (containing bees) in the hive

- Close the hive

- Wait

You can take out the crate when you want but be carefull : everytime you take it out there is a risk of killing a certain amount of bees in the hive, the risks can be reduced by smoking the hive before harvesting (see Smoking paragraph).

Bees can sting and swarm you when you open a hive so better smoke it or equip your mask before you opening it. (see Swarming paragraph)

4. Extract honey (extractor)

Take the wooden crate (with honey) out of the hive and transfer it into the extractor to place the frames in it (the door must be opened before).

Start extractor's engine to begin rotating frames to transform raw honey into treated honey.

You can adjust the rotation speed : The faster it goes the faster honey will be treated but the higher the overheating risk will be.

In case of overheating the engine will shut itself and smoke will get out of it for a few seconds, when the smoke is gone you can restart it.

When you have enough treated honey put an empty jar under the valve of the extractor. Open the valve to transfer the honey from the extractor to the pot.

Pay attention to the dosage, you can lose honey during this step.

5. Sell honey

When your honey jars are full bring them to the buyer NPC to sell them, you can also stack them in a plastic crate to save time.

The buyer can also sell beekeeping tools (vacuum and smoker).

Other features:


You can be swarmed if you walk too close from a nest (or if you open a hive containing bees). If you're swarmed then a few bees will spin around you and sting you.

The bees will stop following you after a few seconds or instantly if you dive into the water, you can also dodge them if you're sprinting.

There is 2 options if you want to be protected from stings :

- Use the smoker swep and calm bees for a few seconds (for everyone )

- Wear a beekeeping mask

This feature can be disabled. You can also set the attack distance, damages and duration as you want.

Beekeeping mask

Equip it to protect yourself against bee stings and swarming.


You can smoke hives and nests (with the smoker tool) to calm bees for a short period of time.

The smoke will make the bees harmless, its' like a mask but for everyone next to the smoked entity.

Smoking a populated hive before taking out the wooden crate will also reduce the chances of bee losses.

Drag and drop the beekeeping_system folder in your addons folder and restart your server

Workshop : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1902790525

Chat commands :

Save buyer npc (at your current position)

Drop mask - [1.0.7 or earlier]

Has been replaced by a key press (M by default)

Serverside hooks

BKS_OnNestSpawn( Player ( entity ), Spawn pos ( vector ) )

BKS_PlayerBoughtTool( Player ( entity ), ClassName ( string ) )

BKS_PlayerDestroyedNest( Player ( entity ), Nest ( entity ) )

BKS_PlayerSoldHoney( Player ( entity ), Reward ( number ) )



  • Handsomematt & Overv (3d2d library)
  • Benoit Freeman (helped for the presentation video)
  • Flaticon (icons)
  • MADType (font)

Product reviews

4.55 average based on 19 reviews

just not being free to delete the NPC and a waste of time
addon no longer supported for 15 euros it's expensive... in terms of quality there's much better for the same price
By Eliott -
(version 1.1.7)
Bon addon
Addon toujours fonctionnel malgré le support inactif Timmy (le créateur repond au question dans les commentaires de son profil steam). Si vous ne voyez pas les entités dans votre spawnmenu>entités c'est normal vous devez vous rendre dans : beekeeping_system>lua>entities et vous ouvrez le dossier de chaque entités. Une fois cela fait rendez-vous dans le dossier shared.lua et mettez ceci en true : ENT.Spawnable = false ENT.AdminSpawnable = false Cela devient : ENT.Spawnable = true ENT.AdminSpawnable = true
By tehoo -
(version 1.1.7)
|DC| Drewbie
innovative way of making money
This is an innovative way of making money for your players. Its a nice script with many configs so you can tailor it down what you like. It's also very fun that you can add bees nest around the city which means people will need beekeepers to keep the bees at bay. Very fun.
By |DC| Drewbie -
(version 1.1.7)
Author's reply
Thanks Drewbie, glad you still like the script 1 year later :)
By Timmy -
Very Bad
I dosent like this and my comunity to very bad ! Je n'aime pas cet addon et ma communauté non plus.
By iritocsgo -
(version 1.1.7)
[✚] Mr_Kiwixe [FR]
Un addon super pour votre serveur RP !
Facile à utiliser, créateur réactif pour vous aidez !
By [✚] Mr_Kiwixe [FR] -
(version 1.1.5)
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Product details
Russian, English, German, Polish, French, Spanish
  • DarkRP
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