- ADDED | Key press to unequip mask ( KEY_M by default, editable in config )
- ADDED | Indicator in HUD when a mask is equipped
- ADDED | Text above honey pots displaying their weight
- ADDED | Bee particles attached to hives
- REMOVED | /dropmask chat command (replaced by a button check)
whenent:PhysicsInit( SOLID_VPHYSICS
was called before on entities initialization - REMOVED | Some unused .vtf and .vmt files
- PATCH | Verification to properly restore CSModels on the jar box if they lose their parenting (e.g: after entity's unloading)
- PATCH | Players are now immediately protected when a mask is equipped after an attack occurs
- PATCH | Reduced the volume of packets sent by entities
- PATCH | Replaced
checks byVector:DistToSqr()
- PATCH | Added a missing check when
was called at an entity's initialization
Since there are revisions in a lot of files you should reinstall the script completely to ensure that you don't have any conflict with an older version.
Special thanks to Driven and [TG-of-TN]walkka for their help in testing the update!