BH SKINS [Skin System]

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In short

⚡Modern and customizable weapon skin system for Garry's Mod! Allow players to style their weapons to their liking! Easily configure weapons and skins directly through the in-game menu!⚡

What is this addon?

BH Skins is a modern and customizable weapon skin system for Garry's Mod. Most modern servers nowadays have a weapon skin system on their server, but why?

Well players love to customize their weapons and skins have always been active in games, collecting rare skins, flexing your weapons to other players and so on.

BH Skins offers a better user experience for players to choose a skin for their weapon, and also provides an easy configuration for servers owner to configure the addon to their liking.

Why BH Skins?

  • Better User interface/User experience.
  • Easy configuration for server owners.
  • Configure skins to be restricted to certain usergroups allowing you to make exclusive skins for the loyal players.
  • A Shop allowing players to easily choose which skin they want for their weapon.
  • Offers to change daily and offer random skins that have a discount for players to purchase
  • Players can show off their skins to other players.

Supported Weapon Bases

  • ARC CW
  • ARC9
  • CW 2.0
  • M9K
  • Modern Warfare Base
  • FA:S 2.0
  • TFA

Do you have any other weapon base you would like to be supported? Create a ticket and i will consider adding support for it!

Supported Databases

  • SQLite

Supported Admin Systems

  • ULX
  • SAM
  • Server Guard
  • FAdmin
  • sAdmin
  • XAdmin


  • Must use a supported database.
  • Your Garry's Mod server must be using the DarkRP gamemode.

  • BH Skins offers a unique UI and an easy in-game configuration for players to enjoy!
  • Skins can be imported directly through url from an online provider or any google image you can find!
  • Skins can also be downloaded online if they are vtf, not only as png, jpeg, jpg and so on.
  • Skins can also be set as materials that are already present in the server! This way you can easily create animated skins.
  • Another feature is the Offers tab, in this tab you can see all of the discounted skins for that day! The amount of offered skins is configurable and the discount percentage is configurable!
  • Application of the skin onto certain parts of the weapon allowing you to customize the weapon to your liking!
  • Dropped weapons also have a skin on them.
  • Weapons in the shop can have a background be set onto them downloaded from a url. This way it makes the UI a lot cleaner to view.
  • Don't like the coloring of the UI? Easily change the coloring for everything in the config file.
  • Want to change the language? BH Skins supports English, French, German and Spanish. Easily change it in the config file.
  • BH Skins supports a lot of weapon bases including:
  • ARC CW
  • ARC9
  • CW 2.0
  • M9K
  • Modern Warfare Base
  • FA:S 2.0
  • TFA
  • MySQLOO, SQLITE support.
  • The addon can also be restricted to certain usergroups allowed to use the system.
  • Skins can also be restricted to certain usergroups allowing you to make usergroup exclusive skins!
  • Customize the Vendor by changing the skin of the AK-47 he holds.
  • The Vendor can speak to you and say voice lines while you interact with him or the menu!
  • Easily use the menu to search for a certain weapon you want.
  • If you are an optimization toad then you can get the full performance of the system by choosing to use the cfg file instead of the in-game editor
  • Both the editor and the file interact together so if you have weapons through the editor or through the file they will be added/removed.
  • Using the file allows for less networking and less server resources being used!
  1. Extract the zip file of the addon into your addons folder.
  2. Open up the cfg folder and open up the file named sh_bh_skins_cfg.lua where you can configure to your liking.
  3. Once you have set your preferred database (following the steps below) you can use the in-game editor to edit in weapons and skins.


  • SQLite

1. Go to the cfg folder and go to the file named sh_bh_skins_cfg.lua and change BH_SKINS.DatabaseMode to 1

2. Save your files and restart your server.


1. Make sure you have mysqloo installed.

2. Go to the cfg folder and go to the file named sh_bh_skins_cfg.lua and change BH_SKINS.DatabaseMode to 2

3. Go to the cfg folder and go to the file named sv_bh_skins_db_cfg.lua and configure in your MYSQLOO database details.

4. Save your files and restart your server.


  1. To spawn entities use the BH Skins NPC Spawner tool in your spawn menu
  2. Left-click to spawn an npc / right-click to delete / R to delete all spawns

1. Prohibition - Icon made by Freepik from

2. Tag - Icon made by Freepik from

3. Plus - Icon made by Freepik from

4. Checklist - Icon made by inkubators from

5. Star - Icon made by mim_studio from

6. Open padlock - Icon made by Pixel perfect from

7. Padlock - Icon made by Pixel perfect from

8. Wrench - Icon made by Freepik from

9. Grocery store - Icon made by Frey Wazza from

  • desktopbackground - Using background images from them (guns and skins backgrounds)
  • IStockPhoto - Using grey and white carbon wallpapers from them
  • Freepik - Used a background image for the weapon of the Vendor
Product reviews

5.00 average based on 6 reviews

Great Addon
The Addon itself is very good an support a lot of weapon bases, had a issue but the Support was very fast and helped me out thx to the creator
By Apollon-Gaming-Server -
(version 1.1.5)
[GL] Seth
Great Idea, dont seem to work tho
Great Idea, looks good. But I cant get any images to work at all
By [GL] Seth -
(version 1.1.5)
Lord Mosswell
Great support & Script
Had multiple questions, and a few issues with some weapons. Within about 10minutes of opening a ticket, I got a response. and 30mins later an update was pushed and it was fixed. Would recommend!
By Lord Mosswell -
(version 1.1.4)
Great Addon
Great addon, so many configable options, brilliant support and creator. Really in depth, has covered the majority of features you can think of and it works like a charm! 100% worth it.
By Melt -
(version 1.1.2)
This is a great addon
Once you get the feeling of working with it, it is a great addon with support that tries its hardest to help you with what you need. Being one of, if not the only, activley updated gun skin addons on gmod store, it does a fine job
By Kawaii -
(version 1.1.2)
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This product is marked as unsupported. That means there is no support available for this product.
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Product details
Russian, English, German, Polish, Turkish, French, Spanish
  • DarkRP
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