BH SKINS [Skin System]

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Bhoon Author posted

Ight i'll change it

Vicentefelipechile posted

This part

Bhoon Author posted

Which part?

Vicentefelipechile posted

Hey, I hope you don't mind but I was reading the description of your addon and I found something that might interest you, it's about the description of your addon:

I think the description you use breaks the terms of gmodstore

alexfreeman94214 posted

This should be supported for TTT.

Bhoon Author posted

Zeatth No, but it should be pretty easy to add skins through the editor :)

Zeatth posted

Does this addon have any built in skins out of the box?

Bhoon Author posted

=VF= Vertical Ray Yes. If you pick up a weapon with a skin you will be able to see that skin, although if you pick up a weapon without a skin and you have a skin for that weapon it will apply your skin to that weapon.

=VF= Vertical Ray posted

can others pick up that same weapon and see the skin?

Bhoon Author posted

=VF= Vertical Ray Yes if i understand your question correctly, if you buy a skin for a weapon you only have the skin for that weapon you don't have it for every weapon that has that skin.

=VF= Vertical Ray posted

Does this support the skin for each gun that's spawn individually ?

Bhoon Author posted

zerg Not yet

zerg posted

are gifs / videos skins supported ?

Bhoon Author posted

fifa15h4ckz Yes players can see other players weapon skins

Kryptic posted

Does this addon show the weapon skins to other players?

Bhoon Author posted

Mataim Yes it works with TFA weapons

Mataim Purchased posted
Bhoon Author posted

Shadow Not currently supported no, but should be easy to integrate support for it.

Shadow posted

This compatible with Helix gamemode?

DanFMN posted

Nice job dude. Congrats on the addon.

Bhoon Author posted

gravity I will create a table for comparison about optimizations. Skins are networked through pvs yes. It uses source engines nwvarproxy that decreases need for networking serverside and source engine can do it all

Anthony Moderator posted

How are skins networked? Are things networked based on pvs and such

Bhoon Author posted

crazybonbon Done :)

Nodge posted

What is the selling point between this one and the other 3 or 4 already available on gmodstore?

not trying to gun you down, i just want to know

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