Added support for ARC9 weapon base
Added a new config option to disable the posing animation and weapon of the vendor ( BH_SKINS.VendorPosing )
Fixed an error happening when creating a skin
Fix an error from the editor when the weapon is inputted with no class
Fixed error happening when you disable weapon rotation
Fix support for Arc CW MW2 Weapons.
Fix error happening when skin is applied to weapons using VIndex
Fix WElement error
Fix Bobs Weapon Base issues with client-side model
Added a table called BH_SKINS.WeaponsWithFakeModels in the config file, this table will allow players to fix deprecated weapons using TFA/Bobs weapons base place holder viewmodels and worldmodels. The table also supports akimbo weapons, meaning weapons that have multiple placeholder viewmodels/worldmodels those will also have the material placed on them.
Fixes and micro-optimizations.
Added Polish translation
Fixed SQLite issues when fetching weapons/skins
Quick fix for an error related to the worldmodel on the star wars weapons
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