Bitminers (Miner Shelf, Power Sources, Cables, Animations & Custom Models)

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In short

Bitminers is a modern-styled mining system operated by a mining shelf, which are powered by a selection of power sources. The shelf have a 3d2d interactive screen to operates the mining shelf, and upgrades work by drag/drop entities and combining power sources together using power cables.

A combination of an interactive screen and spawn-able upgrades is the essentials of this script. A selection of beautiful custom models and materials gives a full experience when operating the miners and upgrading your shelf.

Generators & solar panels generate power/watt for the shelf and must be maintained for the mining shelf to operate. Shelf can be upgraded from 1 - 16 miners and mining speed depends on the amount of miners installed. UPS upgrades must be installed per 4th miner, to supply power cords to the shelf row and automatically combines to the PC.

Icing on the cake is the RGB upgrade. Installing the upgrade allows you to enable/disable RGB lights in fans, rolling RGB keyboard effects & power buttons that switch colors. Check out the media section to see how cool it looks!


✔️ Total of 13 entities with high quality custom models and materials.

✔️ Upgradeable bitminer shelf.

✔️ Interactive 3d2d screen.

✔️ Custom models & materials.

✔️ Custom animations & blend sequences.

✔️ Upgrade to a total of 16 miners.

✔️ Plug-in & plug-out power cables.

✔️ Bitcoin exchange rate updates in-game.

✔️ Shelf cooling system.

✔️ Temperature system & overheating.

✔️ Fuel system for generator.

✔️ 3 cooling levels.

✔️ Language system.

✔️ Damage system for entities.

✔️ Bitcoin exchange rate screens can be placed on the map to show current exchange rate.

✔️ This addon has full integration with Cryptos. Read more about this below.

✔️ Xenin Inventory support.

✔️ bLogs support.

✔️ Entities can explode when taking damage & supports my DarkRP Fire System.

✔️ You can configure all entities prices & amounts in bitminers_darkrp_entities.lua.

✔️ Support for xp systems Sublime Levels - Vrondakis Level System - Elite XP System (EXP2) - GlorifiedLeveling - DarkRP Essentials - Brick's Essentials.

✔️ Over 30 customizable values for entities are available in bitminers_config.lua.


⚙️ Miners

⚙️ Cooling #1

⚙️ Cooling #2

⚙️ Cooling #3 (Air Conditioning)

⚙️ RGB Lights Upgrade (Fans, Keyboard & More)

⚙️ UPS - 4 Levels (Power Supply)

Power Sources

🔌 Fuel Generator

  • Generators can be used to power the bitmining shelf. Runs on fuel that must be refilled every now and then. Fuel generators generate a decent amount of power/watt and makes a noise when active.

🔌 Solar Panel

  • A quite and powerful power source for your bitmining shelf. Solar panels must be placed outside with a clear trace up to the sky. Solar panels generate more power than fuel generators, and requires no maintenance/refuelling.


  • RTG stands for "Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator" and is the perfect power source if you want an unmaintained power source that runs by itself in places where solar panels are not practical. The RTG emits slight radioactivity and you're advised to not stay too close to it for a long time. Connect the power source between the RTG and shelf, and move away from it.

🔌 Power Combiner

  • The power combiner entity isn't a power source in itself. It is used to combine the above power sources into one. You can combine a total of 4 power sources to the combiner. First you connect the combiner to your shelf and then connect power sources to the combiner. This is useful for large mining operations with maxed out mining shelf's.

More information about power sources can be found in the knowledge base.

Cryptos Integration

This addon has full integration with Cryptos. If you own both addons you can use the bitmining shelf to mine any cryptocurrency you have added through Cryptos. You can change what coin it is mining directly from the bitminer screen. The crypto exchange rate also displays the one from Cryptos addon which is based on CoinbaseAPI and is continously updated based on real data.

There's a new configuration file lua/ch_bitminers/shared/bitminers_config_crypto_integration.lua where you can enable the integration and modify default coin and how much is mined on every interval.


Discord Server

I own a Discord server for customers and anyone else who wish to join. I will occasionally provide exclusive offers and help with minor issues that might occur with my scripts. If you have a more serious problem, please create a support ticket on GModStore.

Step 1.

You purchase a bitmining shelf from your F4 menu to "host" the mining operation. The shelf requires a power source, that you must connect using the power cables.

Once the power source is active, the shelf can be powered on by using the interactive 3d2d screen.

You can connect a power source (generator, solar panel, rtg) directly to the shelf for "smaller" operations. If you connect a power combiner to the shelf, then you can connect multiple power sources to the combiner.

Step 2.

Once active it can be upgraded and must be maintained. Temperature rise the more miners you have and your shelf risks overheating if you don't buy cooling upgrades.

There are 3 levels of cooling which can be purchased in the F4 menu. Drag and drop the shelf to upgrade and the screen will show your level accordingly and cool down better.

NOTE: Miners can still overheat with full cooling and max miners. Turning off the mining shelf entirely in the right corner on screen will also cool down the shelf while it's turned off!

Step 3.

Power sources work differently and generates different watts/per sec. Fuel generator must be maintained, while solar panel must be placed outside and the RTG is unmaintained.

Drag a power cable to a power source and then attach the other end of the cable to the shelf. Solar panels and RTG are automatically on once connected, the generator must be filled with fuel and turned on.

Step 4.

Buy single miners from the F4 menu to upgrade the shelf with more miners.

UPS upgrades are available as power supply to the shelf. One power supply (UPS) enables a new row of 4 miners.

RGB upgrade beautifully lights up the shelf, fans, keyboard and power supplies. Can be turned on/off from the shelf screen.

More information in the knowledge base

This addon supports DarkRP 2.7.0+

Extract "ch_bitminers" to addons!

Once you've done that, you can find the entities in your F4 menu. Everything is automatically added to your F4 in the category "Bitminer Equipment"


You can setup the screens in-game. As an admin open the Q menu -> Entities -> Bitminers by Crap-Head -> Bitcoin Screen

Spawn and position as many screens as you'd like and use the console command ch_bitminer_save_screens to save them on the map.


Only custom models and materials are used for this script. Script content can be found at:

Make sure to add this to your servers workshop collection as well.

To customize the general settings, go to ch_bitminers/lua/ch_bitminers/shared/bitminers_config.lua

To customize the darkrp entities, go to ch_bitminers/lua/ch_bitminers/shared/bitminers_darkrp_entities.lua

There are over 30 different configuration options in the general settings. I can add any configuration you would like as well. Please just submit a support ticket with your request, and I will see if it's possible.

General Config

-- Available languages: English: en - Danish: da - German: de - Polish: pl - Russian: ru - Spanish: es - French: fr - Portuguese: pt - Chinese: cn
CH_Bitminers.Config.Language = "en" -- Set the language of the script.

-- Bitminer Values
CH_Bitminers.Config.BitcoinRate = 6808 -- 1 bitcoin equals how much cash? (1 bitcoin = 3500)
CH_Bitminers.Config.RateRandomizeInterval = 15 -- seconds between bitcoin rate is changed.
CH_Bitminers.Config.RateUpdateInterval = 20

-- Bitminer Shelf
CH_Bitminers.Config.MaxBitcoinsMined = 5 -- How many bitcoins can a bitminer maximum contain
CH_Bitminers.Config.BitcoinsMinedPer = 0.015 -- Amount of bitcoins mined on each interval
CH_Bitminers.Config.WattsRequiredPerMiner = 1225 -- Amount of watts required per miner in order to properly mine bitcoins most optimal

CH_Bitminers.Config.ShelfExplosion = true -- Should the shelf cause an explosion if it takes too much damage or overheats?
CH_Bitminers.Config.CreateFireOnExplode = false -- ONLY WORKS WITH MY FIRE SYSTEM
CH_Bitminers.Config.NotifyOwnerOverheating = true -- Should the owner of the shelf be notified when the mining shelf overheats?

CH_Bitminers.Config.TemperatureInterval = 2 -- Interval between updating temperature on miners

CH_Bitminers.Config.ShowScreenDistance = 50000

-- Fuel Generator
CH_Bitminers.Config.GeneratorWattsInterval = 3 -- Interval for the fuel generator to generate watts.
CH_Bitminers.Config.FuelGeneratorHealth = 150 -- Amount of health before it destroys.
CH_Bitminers.Config.FuelConsumptionRate = 7 -- Every x second the generator will consume a random amount of fuel

CH_Bitminers.Config.GeneratorSmokeEffect = true -- Display smoke effect coming out of generator when turned on.

CH_Bitminers.Config.GeneratorWattsMin = 50 -- Minimum amounts of watts generated per interval
CH_Bitminers.Config.GeneratorWattsMax = 100 -- Maximum amounts of watts generated per interval (IT'S RANDOMIZED)

-- Solar Panel
CH_Bitminers.Config.SolarPanelWattsInterval = 3 -- Interval for the solar panel to generate watts.
CH_Bitminers.Config.SolarPanelHealth = 100 -- Amount of health before it destroys.

CH_Bitminers.Config.SolarPanelWattsMin = 80 -- Minimum amounts of watts generated per interval
CH_Bitminers.Config.SolarPanelWattsMax = 120 -- Maximum amounts of watts generated per interval (IT'S RANDOMIZED)

-- RTG Generator
CH_Bitminers.Config.RTGWattsInterval = 3 -- Interval for the RTG to generate watts.
CH_Bitminers.Config.RTGGeneratorHealth = 300 -- Amount of health before it destroys.

CH_Bitminers.Config.RTGRadiationInterval = 4 -- Amount of seconds between giving damage to players nearby.
CH_Bitminers.Config.RTGRadiationDistance = 50000 -- Distance from players to RGT before doing damage.

CH_Bitminers.Config.RTGWattsMin = 100 -- Minimum amounts of watts generated per interval
CH_Bitminers.Config.RTGWattsMax = 150 -- Maximum amounts of watts generated per interval (IT'S RANDOMIZED)

-- Power Cable
CH_Bitminers.Config.CableRopeLenght = 100 -- Lenght of the rope between the two ends of the power cable.

There are a few more config options that are not shown here.

If you find any problems with the script, please create a support ticket with details of the situation and a copy/paste of the error in console. I am also not interested in modifying you a custom version of the addon. Also not upon payment. Sorry!

Conflicting addons is not to be said if I will support that or not. This is something I will decide upon confrontation about a conflicting addon. If you have some sort of proof that an addon is conflicting with my addon, please send me a PM with the details you might have.

Thank you!

If you like this script, you should check out some of my other addons for DarkRP. Just click the banner to open the script page in a new tab.

Product reviews

5.00 average based on 44 reviews

Banger !
A must have for a dark rp server ! 10/10 + great support
This product was received for free
By Jiimmy -
(version 1.3.8)
Amazing Addon
Excellent script, and the quality of the models in this addon are crazy well done.
By AnarchyX -
(version 1.3.6)
Great Addon, Great Functionality
Responds to support, and feedback/suggestions of future implementations very consistently. The addon itself is great for adding a new currency for your players to experience with, easily recommended for anyone wanting to give your players a bit more to do while playing the base ol game.
By Kryptic -
(Never downloaded)
[VRP] Swizzian
Amazing Addon
This is the best bitcoin mining addon I've ever used, It's simple and easy and my players enjoy it a lot. 10/10 Addon Keep up the good work, cheers
By [VRP] Swizzian -
(version 1.2.9)
The addon is really amazing I highly recommend it and the support is fast and efficient!
By tehoo -
(version 1.2.9)
1 of 10
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Cryptos Integration

by Crap-Head

This addon has full integration with Cryptos. If you own both addons you can use the bitmining shelf to mine any cryptocurrency you have added through Cryptos. Click to read more!

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Crap-Head & Im Not Meow Meow
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Russian, English, German, Danish, Turkish, French, Spanish
  • DarkRP
Downloadable content
Bitminers - DLC #1 (Remote Tablet, Hacking & Repairing Entities)
Bitminers - DLC #1 (Remote Tablet, Hacking & Repairing Entities)
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