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In short
A party system addon designed to look nice, be functional & lightweight. No intrusive DRM.
What is the BlobsParty addon?
BlobsParty is a party system addon, made to look nice, be functional, be lightweight without intrusive DRM as seen in the past. Simply type !party in-game and get started
The config is located in sh_blobsparty.lua
- Sleek UI
- Highly configurable - Language, color options, and more!
- Easy to use/install
- Friendly fire option (This can be enabled/disabled in config, if enabled party leaders have the option to enable/disable it themselves!)
- Party chat (!pchat, /p, /party, !pc or /pc followed by your message! example: /p Hey everyone!)
- Party member HUD in top left
- Supports any gamemode
- Open/Closed party option (Party members must request to join if the party is closed)
- Party size limits
- Customizable ring at the players feet or glow (Party leaders can enable/disable and customize this)
- Unisec support! Allow your party members access to a fading door
- Extract (unzip) the zip file
- Move the folder to your /addons/ folder of your server
- Important if you run a linux server, then make sure the folder name doesn't contain any capital letters! Rename your folder blobsparty instead of blobsParty for example
- Restart, done!
Developer Hooks (Version: 1.0.5+)
blobsParty_PartyChat (player Player, string Text, string PartyName) blobsParty_PartyCreate (player Player, string PartyName) blobsParty_PartyNameEdit (player Player, string OldPartyName, string NewPartyName) blobsParty_PartyDisband (player Player, string PartyName) blobsParty_PartyLeave (player Player, string PartyName) blobsParty_PartyAccept (player Player, string PartyName, player AcceptedPlayer) blobsParty_PartyJoin (player Player, string PartyName) blobsParty_PartyGiveOwner (player Player, player NewOwner, string PartyName) blobsParty_PartyKick (player Player, player KickedPlayer, string PartyName)
Oh no! That's not good. While I do take testing very seriously and rigorously some things slip through the cracks! Please send a support ticket and I will fix it ASAP!
Have an idea or suggestion for the addon? Send a support ticket and I'll review it!
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