Bug fixes!
1) Fixed glow not working
2) Changed how friendly fire works, as this was reported to be sometimes broken due to other addons overriding the PlayerShouldTakeDamage hook.
I've also inverted the value of friendly fire, as it was seen to be confusing as I had it backwards.
The values are now:
Friendly fire OFF = No damaging teammates
Friendly fire ON = Shoot & damage teammates at your leisure
** Files affected **
Fixed an exploit & removed a debug print on the client side
Thanks to JAKE1234 for reporting this.
** Files affected **
Small feature addition
- Added the ability to minimise or maximise the left side UI element (As large parties got intrusive to the UI) requested by Zokeys.
- Note: The Up/Down arrows may appear as a square in text editors but should be fine in-game. The option is there for you to change what symbols you'd like to use though :)
** Files affected ** cl_blobsparty.lua sh_blobsparty.lua (Only 2 config nodes were added, make sure to backup your config!)
** Config nodes added ** BlobsPartyConfig.UpArrow BlobsPartyConfig.DownArrow
Small fix
- Fixed an error where if a player who requested to join logs out would cause errors.
** Files affected ** cl_blobsparty.lua
Small addition
- Added a config option to lower the Party Members UI incase it overlaps a HUD element.
** Files affected ** cl_blobsparty.lua sh_blobsparty.lua (Only 1 config node was added, make sure to backup your config!)
** Config nodes added ** BlobsPartyConfig.DefaultTopUISpacing = 5 -- The distance between the top of the screen and the start of the Party members UI (Use this if you have a HUD that is being overlapped by the party members display)
Quick error fix
- Fixed two errors that were caused by the new developer hooks being parsed the wrong arguments.
** Files affected ** sv_blobsparty.lua
This update is aimed at developers who wish to create logging scripts for this or whatever, just added a bunch of hooks that get called. Not necessary to update unless you want this feature :)
- Added hooks for developers (Explained on the script main page)
** Files affected ** sv_blobsparty.lua
- Fixed an error reported by Magic (Thank you!)
- Changed how rings are drawn at player feet
** Files affected ** cl_blobsparty.lua
- Fixed incorrect message displaying when someone is kicked from the party
- Added ability to drag the party members GUI (Free your mouse by pressing F4 or opening chat to do this)
- Fixed party chat spaces not appearing ( Thanks [SIN]Diablo for reporting this! )
** Files affected ** cl_blobsparty.lua sh_blobsparty.lua (Only 1 config node was added, make sure to backup your config!) sv_blobsparty.lua
Added friendly fire option, thank you Nova for this suggestion. There is a global toggle for this if you don't want anyone using it for whatever reason in the config file. If said option is enabled then party leaders have the option to enable or disable friendly fire within their party
** Files affected ** cl_blobsparty.lua sh_blobsparty.lua (Only 2 config nodes were added, make sure to backup your config!) sv_blobsparty.lua
Fixed checkboxes not aligning if the language file was changed
** Files affected ** cl_blobsparty.lua
Added config Added language localization