Brick's Credit Store - A point shop system

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In short

This allows server owner's to create multiple stores that use multiple currencies, you can create a credit store, permanent weapons store, car dealer and a health/armor npc and more. There are permanent SWEPs and playermodels, temporary ranks, suits, trails, purchasable tools, vehicles and more!

Notice: This script is an alternative to PointShop.

This script provides a way for you to make more money from donations while making it easier for your player's to donate, why should a player need to spend ages on an external website buying what they want when they can just buy a package of credits and then buy everything else in-game. This script adds an easily customisable way to monetise your server and add all the different stores that you need!

Brick's Enhanced SWEPs - Taser/Keys/Handcuffs/Battering Ram +More

Brick's Crafting - Quests/Mining/Inventory

DarkRP Foundation - Inventory, Printers, ATM, Bank, Armory, HUD

  • In-game config - everything is highly customizable and can be changed to your liking, a new item/shop can be added in seconds
  • Multiple store system
  • Stores can easily be created
  • Stores can be accessed through either a command, keybind or an NPC
  • Store configs - name, icon, model, currency, command and keybind
  • Multiple currency system - Supports multiple currencies, one store can use credits where as another can use DarkRP money
  • Currency support:
  • Brick's Credit Store
  • DarkRP Money
  • mTokens
  • Pointshop 2 Points
  • Pointshop 2 Premium Points
  • Pointshop 1 Points
  • Item types, multiple different items can be created:
  • Currency - gives an amount of currency to a player e.g. 200 credits or $200, can be used to set up DarkRP money to credit exchange
  • Health - gives the player health
  • Armor - gives the player armor
  • SWEP - gives the player a SWEP
  • Permanent SWEP/Weapon - gives the player a permanent weapon/SWEP
  • Permanent model - gives the player a permanent playermodel
  • Temporary rank - gives the player a temporary rank that runs out (e.g. VIP that lasts for 7 days)
  • Rank - gives the user a permanent rank
  • Booster - gives the player a permanent booster
  • Health - gives health on spawn
  • Armor - gives armor on spawn
  • Speed - gives a speed bonus
  • Jump height - gives a jump height bonus
  • Damage - increases player's damage
  • Trail - gives the player a trail that follows them around
  • Tool - makes a tool unusable unless bought from the store
  • Suit - gives the player a suit that can be equipped that changes their playermodel and gives them health, armor, a speed boost and a jump boost
  • Vehicle - gives the player a vehicle that they can spawn
  • Entity - spawns an entity for the player
  • Experience - gives the player experience, supports Vrondkai's leveling, DarkRP Foundation, DarkRP Essentials, Pristine Interface and Sublime levels
  • Job - makes a job unusable unless bought from the store (similar to job white listing)
  • Console Command - Run a command and insert steamids with {steamid64}
  • Battle Pass support - can give players the battlepass and tiers
  • Brick's Crafting support - can give players resources
  • bWhitelist support - can give players whitelisting
  • Credit system
  • Gives players a way to convert their real money to in game money
  • Chat commands: !setcredits, !addcredits, !removecredits
  • Console commands: setcredits, addcredits, removecredits
  • Default shops/examples:
  • Credit store - contains various items such as playermodels and suits
  • Permanent weapons store - contains permanent weapons
  • Car dealer - contains vehicles
  • Health/Armor NPC - contains health/armor
  • Any item can be assigned an image using a direct image URL
  • Simple and clean UI design
  • Supports DarkRP, Sandbox and all other gamemodes derived from Sandbox/DarkRP.
  • MySQL supported
  • Language support - English


  1. Extract the "bricks-credit-store" folder into your server's addons folder
  2. Restart your server


  1. Ensure that you first have Mysqloo installed (v.9)
  2. Set "BRICKSCREDITSTORE.LUACONFIG.UseMySQL" to true in the lua config
  3. Go to "lua/brickscreditstore/server/bcredits_sql.lua" and enter your MySQL database details
  4. Save the modified files and restart the server


  • The lua config can be found in "bricks-credit-store/lua/brickscreditstore_luaconfig.lua", edit the config options there and then restart your server.
  • To config the rest of the addon to add items/shops type !brickscreditstore as an admin in-game.

Donation integration:

  • Adding credits - console command: addcredits steamid64 amount

Workshop Content:


Support has been is through gmodstore tickets, make a ticket, don't ask me on Discord.

Click here to join my discord for any development updates.


  • Pyhxel - Banners
  • Nacho - Graphics
  • Alex Smith - Emotional support

Product reviews

4.71 average based on 12 reviews

Amazing I'm just blind
Had To Dig Through The Code A Little Bit To Find What I Was Looking For If You Wish To Run Console Command With This Addon And You Need SteamId64 Use This {steamid64} And Some Times The Console Command When You Try To Edit/Update The Command It Will Revert It Self Simple Fix Though Delete The Item And Remake it .
By Space_Mex -
(version 1.3.1)
Author's reply
It doesn't say in-game anywhere, but it does say on the "Features" tab on gmodstore. If you have anymore issues just open a support ticket and I will happily answer your questions.
By Brickwall -
Lovely addon but...
Love it with it's feature, but the current theme doesn't go well, wish it would have stuck with the same design UI as other brick schematics
By Rezrus -
(version 1.2.9)
Author's reply
This addon was made before the other addons, the UI/addon framework was made after this addon was created.
By Brickwall -
The update "devise" has finally arrived, and we can use pointshop 1 and 2, I love you :]
By Linventif -
(version 1.2.7)
The best
I love this addon with the perm weapons and a way to make players wanna do more ingame
By Exotic -
(version 1.2.7)
A really powerful Addon
This addon really has a number of impressive features, an always userFriendly interface and responsive support! The way the addon is developed is very dev-friendly, the implementation of custom features is really easy. The whole configuration part is easy for everyone. Nothing negative to say.
By Rayzox57 -
(version 1.2.4)
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