Camltee Load - A loading screen

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Camltee Load - A Garry's Mod loading screen

Made to be clean yet varied, this loading screen have been made to be informative, yet not overwhelming by bright color, unnecessary information and so forth.

Giving a user-friendly experience, the loading screen is easy for anyone to edit. Offering two versions, light and normal, you can get a varied experience based on your liking. Features such as see when you joined and giving the user the appropriated information displayed clearly makes this script efficient.

For more information look in the features' list.

At sight perhaps the code seems terrifying, however all the features in the HTML document is commented to ease the understanding of what does what in order for you to edit it to your liking. There is a config.php file as well, thus making it very easy to edit the file.

The loading screen contains these features:

  • Scrolling background with how many pictures you desire (easy editable). Comes with 9 current backgrounds.
  • The user connecting will see their information displayed. More specifcally, name and avatar will be displayed.
  • The server information such as the map, the gamemode and even the server name is displayed in its separate block as well beneath the head-title.
  • Background music is customizable with a drag and drop and it is displayed above the image slider. If you do not have any files in music directory, it will automatically change to a text slider of which you can edit in config.php
  • Fail safe, in case of wrong installation in the server.cfg. Also if API is not set. Instructions coming along.
  • Fully commented HTML document
  • Top borders change color, currently up to 4 colors. These can be customized and in light-version there is only one color of which you can change in style.css
  • Textbox slider, fades between paragraphs, can have how many you would like, instruction included in the HTML document. (This is added if no music is playing)
  • Multiple screen resolution friendly
  • Comes with two versions, light and normal version. All apart of the package.
  • Very easily customizable, not complicated and everything can be changed quickly. -Music player picks random songs each time and volume editing is available.
  • Separate rule set, as well as an introduction part
  • Loading bar as well as displaying what files are being downloaded
  • Time since the user joined the server, from minutes to hours - even to days!


Thanks to a friend of mine, Preditor, I am able to with this loading screen offering 4 magnificent backgrounds, posed and edited by him. Special font and the scripts necessary will come along as well.

Two songs will also come with, thanks to a friend of mine.


  • You need a webhost
  • Your webhost needs to support PHP
  • A code editor, such as notepad++
  • Very, very basic HTML knowledge, if you need help contact me
  • An API, obtainable here


I will not be able to offer refund due to the product and content being digital

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Product reviews

4.07 average based on 15 reviews

Not bad BUT
The add on is not bad but there is no support if someone managed to put it on their server please contact me
By Adas -
(version 1.0.3)
I normally don't write reviews (I'm lazy af) but this has to be the best coding I've purchased for the money. This is just straight CLEAN. Loading up feels like i'm joining a battlefield. Great graphics, music, and lots of room for info. 10/10
By Skizry -
(version 1.0.4)
SloxyTV (O.o)
Are you looking for a decent Loading Screen for cheap money. Then I would recommend this "Script". But I wouldn't normally take this script as it's a "Template". It's not special. If you have just started your server, than this is perfect for you, but if you have a server with a decent amount of players I would recommend you getting a custom made loading screen.
By SloxyTV (O.o) -
(version 1.0.4)
Status Quack (Preda)
By Status Quack (Preda) -
(version 1.0.4)
Heavy Bob
This is one of the best loading screen frameworks that I have seen on scriptfodder. If you know anything about php, you should use this loading screen as it is very easy to customize. 10/10 from this author. Heavy Bob seal of approval.
By Heavy Bob -
(version 1.0.4)
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