If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Until the 13th of January (one week from now) ALL of my scripts will be on sale - 50% discount. This discount is to celebrate the new year and hope for a better one.
Thank you to everyone who have supported me by purchasing any of my scripts.
Warmest regards, Floodify

is it possible for the picture to be a video?

What is the Text Slider?

How do I install this?

I am back!
I've been away for a while and haven't offered my scripts for sale for numerous reasons, but I have decided to return and I am coming back in grand fashion!
And to celebrate that, I am now offering ALL of my script with 35% discount using the coupon "floodyisback". This is valid until 13th of October and works on each and every script I have.
If you got any quesions, feel free to hit me up!
Cheers, Floodify

How do you make it work? Like literally I can't make this loading screen thing work!

that's not on my side though. try again later..

Cant downlaod it failed - network error

To those who purchased this loadingscreen:
##The Path of a Memory##
First off I'd like to thank you for purchasing this script. It's meant a lot too me and has helped me pursue the career I want: filmmaking. That career is why I am writing this message to you.
Perhaps this is a missuse of this function, but I believe that perhaps you ought to know what you have invested in. Or at least you're interested. Sure, you got something - but the money, all be it small, went for a cause. This cause has been filmmaking for me. I've just recently bought my first camera using the very money you used to buy this loading screen.
Furthermore I was fortunate enough to make a shortfilm and have it screened at a filmfestival, which resulted in new oppertunities within the film industry. Your money was also used for this project, hence my apprecitation for your purchase.
It'd mean a lot to me if you'd watch it and perhaps leave a feedback. I thought you may want to know this as indirectly you helped me do this. You can click on the image above and you'll be redirected to the film. There's also a link to IMDB where you can leave a rating if you'd like.
I hope you have a great day/night. Once more - thank you, Floodify

50% Holiday Offer on Everything!
I am glad to announce that this script, along with all of my other scripts, will be available for 50% less than usual - until 6th of January.
Perhaps purchase one to spoil your server users and get them a new loading screens!
If you got any questions, contact me via the private message system!
Kind Regards, Floodify

Download is impossible please help !

Subscription Renewed.

Where is the sv_loadingurl?

Sliding as the image going to left or right?

Can this LS have a sliding background? If the answer is yes, I'll buy it ^^

Send a ticket.

so what's the point of it if it just gives people random times

That would be involving risks, my friend - hence why I didn't do that. And yet again you're ambigious with what you're saying, you're not saying things clear. Anyhow buddy, sorry that you felt it was this way. I'd appreciate if this was taken somewhere else.

secondly you might wanna fix the problem where it says you joined about 1 hour ago to new users .. and myself 2 hours ago when i have been on it for ages

how so i was straight forward you just always say case closed not giving a reason i paid for it had download problems on my side and you coulden't even sent it that's lazy as hell

In all fairness AlienOnPc, you were ambiguous as hell.

It shows your progress of joining the server when downloading files

Does the bar display the progress of the current download or of the total server download?

Please guys, ppost a review! I'd appreciate it.