Character & Clothes - T-shirt customizable & realistic clothes system

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In short

Character & Clothes allows your players to create their own character when they join your server, including the choice of their name, sex, head, top shirt, bottom pants.


Character & Clothes allows your players to create their own character when they join your server, including the choice of their name, sex, head, top shirt, bottom pants. They can buy new clothes in a shop, and access to the clothes they have already bought in a wardrobe. The particularity of this character mod is that players are allowed to change their top shirt and bottom pants independently, but also, they can create their own t-shirts ! Superadmins can also create their t-shirts and add them to the shop, so you can create customized t-shirts for your community !

In addition to that, players can drop their clothes to the ground, to give them to other players!

Why this instead of the concurrency?

The price is attractive for a product with a lot of exclusive feature ! This is not only a choice of bodygroups, the player can customize everything in his wardrobe and can keep his appearance. The customization of the t-shirt is a 100% exclusive feature, as well as the ability to drop the clothes on the ground!


  • Character creation ( with a menu when the player join )
  • Keep your head even if you change your job ( configurable )
  • Shop of clothes
  • Ability to create your own clothes, for you or for the shop if you're superadmin
  • Ability to drop your clothes to the ground
  • Plastic surgery if you want to change your head, your sex or the color of your eyes
  • NPC to change your name
  • An easy way of translation : currently translated in english and french
  • A custom notification system
  • A cool blurred UI

If you like this script, you'll also like Advertisement Mod! This script allow you to add on your map signs and billboards, players can edit them to advertise their market, it adds a lot more to the RP, really better than using the /advert command.








Commands ( superadmins only )

  • !createclothes create clothes of your sex and add them to the shop
  • !save_clothesmod save entities of the script that are spawned on the map, they will automatically respawned after each reboot and each cleanup.
  • !remove_clothesmod will delete the save of entities, done with !save_clothesmod. Entities saved will not respawn after a reboot.
  • !resetcharacter +STEAMID32 totally reset the character of a player. He will have to create a new character in his next connection.
  • !cm_removeshop +NAME remove a custom top shirt added to the shop ( with !createclothes ) with his name.


Is the addon compatible with other scripts?

Yes it is with mostly scripts. If you have issues with surrender or other scripts that manipulate bones, or with the Medic mod, it means that you've not added the Character & Clothes contents in your server collection.

When I die, why there is no playermodel?

Same answer than above.

Why all my jobs models are replaced by the citizen model?

Because it's how it is supposed to work. Character & Clothes override the job models, you can select which jobs should keep their job model in the configuration file.

How to install?


If you need support, just open a support ticket! :)

/!\ I'll not support errors due to CharacterCreator. If you use both and it doesn't work, I'll not be able to help.


Kerry for the models

DaViCyYo for the banner

Product reviews

4.78 average based on 34 reviews

I could do a tutorial for beginners
I have obtained this complement and basically appearances are deceiving, when I access the selection of any job the character remains the same, that is, with the same appearance as if it were a civilian after having changed jobs, please explain a simple guide for beginners, when do it, my assessment will be better, thanks
By ThekikoL -
(version 1.6.3)
New cloths ?
Very cool addons !! Thank's for him, but it's possible to create news cloths ?
By ART -
(version 1.6.3)
Good but something is wrong with police.
Character system is great but when i choose civil protection im a walking error.
By Miloszdab -
(version 1.6.3)
Jacque Celsar
très bon addons
super addons très pratique et très fléxible . Quelqu'un pourait il me donner le model du skin tout nue SVP ou bien me dire dans quel fichier est il .
By Jacque Celsar -
(version 1.6.3)
Adds more Emersion to your server, Fantastic addon and Venatuss is a saint
Fantastic addon, easy to configure and the developer was helpful and polite when I made a silly ticket.
By ronny -
(version 1.6.3)
1 of 8
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This product is marked as unsupported. That means there is no support available for this product.
Venatuss & Kerry
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English, French
  • DarkRP
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