How to add more clothes?
why is it so laggy? i have a good server and pc?
hello i have a question just before i buy this addon. i was wondering if its possible to use it with forsay clone trooper armor (referring to the custom image layer) would iut wrap the armor or would it just not work?
Hello, it's not possible to create a support ticket.
DLC for more clothes would be dope. Would also be nice to actually be able to disable the custom shirt making.
can you add more cloth or create a dlc cloth ?
Can you add coat? Like's Suits And Robbers PMs
is there an option that different jobs get different clothing? (not playermodels)
Nice addon but will there be an update for the user group settings?
There is a command to save the NPCs positions. Open a ticket if you need help to use it :).
Is there any way to save the data collect on the server, so when i open the server the npcs appear in the same location as i put them?
Agualym Kenway It's compatible with the Medic mod.
Any chance there can be a config to remove the first and last name?
Incompatibility with MedicMod :(
Hey, how could i make work these playermodel ? Thanks :)
Is this affecting fps? We need one that is easy on resources on server and client side.
notsmerf No it's not
Is this compatible with nutscript?
Yes sure
are we able to edit the UI freely?
Are there gloves in this?
Buy it and open a ticket :).
!createclothes create clothes of your sex and add them to the shop
is there a way to add the bodygroups from suits & robbers addon? I really want them to be in game.