Big update here.
You'll have to redo your configuration.
The configuration has been improved to be easier : use the name of the teams like "Citizen" instead of TEAM_CITIZEN. It'll prevent a lot of mistakes. I've also changed how the language configuration works. If you've added a language but not sent it to me, just open a ticket with your old sh_lang.lua, I'll import myself your language in the mod so you don't have to redo it.
I've also added :
- CLOTHESMOD.Config.CanOpenInventory so you can prevent players to drop their clothes.
- CLOTHESMOD.Config.CanRemoveClothesInWardrobe as there is a new feature that allow to remove clothes in the wardrobe.
I've improved the code structure and optimized some things.
New features:
- Ability to remove clothes in your wardrobe
- When you've dropped a shirt or a pant, you can take the wallet and put it back in the wardrobe ( by touching the wardrobe with the wallet ).
- Added a notification when you don't have enough money to change your name.
Fixed bugs:
- In the wardrobe menu, you had 2 times the sentence "Choose your trousers", it's fixed
- Remove the dropped clothes when disconnecting
- Fixed some other issues reported
I've also improved the description by adding an FAQ part where you'll find most part of the answers to your questions. I'll add more infos to it in the next days.
I've written a lot of explanations in the configuration file about how the configuration works and how to configure the script.