Character & Clothes - T-shirt customizable & realistic clothes system

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*/!\ The configuration file and the language file have been changed. You have to update them /!* You can send me your language file if you've configured it in another language than the ones already done. I will add it to the script, so you'll not have to redo it.

What's new:

  • A command to reset the character of a player : !resetcharacter +STEAMID32
  • A command to remove a custom t-shirt added to the shop (/!\ this command should only be used if there is not any player who has bought it.) : !cm_removeshop +NAME
  • The default name in the character creation menu is now taken randomly in a list
  • There is now a new configuration option to disable the sound in the character creation menu

What's fixed :

  • The issue where the player was not able to change the first 3 letters in his name.
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