Character Customisation

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⎛⎝「SPEEDCUP」⎠⎞ Purchased posted

Hello, i have a question. Can i change the Background in you Character System? Maybe to a Photo? From the Internet. Can i or not?

Chadness Everdeen Author posted

Yeah they do allow spaces, you can't make it optional, and i there is not a profanity filter in it no.

Leah posted

Does the username boxes allow spaces? Can i make the 2nd part of their name optional? Is there a way to block words in their name? Thanks :)

Chadness Everdeen Author posted

Why is that?

Koolaidmini posted

UI is looking not so gud

Chadness Everdeen Author posted

Not as of yet but i can work on adding that if it is worth doing for some people ?

Foxxy posted

Can the player model tab be toggeled so removed?

Gamestory posted

is it extra citizen job?

SaturdaysHeroes posted

@?empty It's his code, not yours.

Woompa posted

this is useless without support for mysqloo. no big servers can utilize this.

also, you said mysqloo is outdated, you are very misinformed. its the only up to date sql option to use right now. complete opposite

Chadness Everdeen Author posted

Join our discord and we can talk about suggestions and improvements in there so that i can keep track of them :)

Mipastu Purchased posted

Must haves for a good character system:

  • Custom name changing command or npc
  • At first player join, character system bounces in their screen
AccountNotInUse12243534656867896 Purchased posted

Buying it :D

Chadness Everdeen Author posted

With my latest version i have added a config option that has the names of the jobs that should ignore the change in model as requested!

AccountNotInUse12243534656867896 Purchased posted

Good good; Cheers! :D

Chadness Everdeen Author posted

Ohh that makes sense, i will have a look into that. That sounds like a good idea!

Misfit Purchased posted

what he means is, for certain jobs such as a police you put in the job config something like ignorechar = true, and what that does is it uses the job model instead of the custom character model

Chadness Everdeen Author posted

What do you mean? Like instead you can chose which ones are in the menu and which ones aren't?

AccountNotInUse12243534656867896 Purchased posted

Is there anyway to disable custom Models?

TheMentalist posted

GL :) Looks interesting :)

gameout posted

there are multi characters pickup?

Chadness Everdeen Author posted

Thanks guys :) mysqloo is obsolete and slow but even adding database support is quite over the top

Srlion posted

that fucking review

Woompa posted

should add mysqloo support for the stats.

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