Chat Streaming - See what they say before they type

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Shu | Pexie Purchased posted

If you can find in github, why pay for the script, hm?

Eevee posted

Lol always these leaker like Web..

Военком Purchased posted

how to remove the "bubble"?

̩Web posted

Somehow this won't work with burgerchat...without any chatbox it works!

#Attache posted

Does it support russian fonts?

Woadie Author posted

99% of anyone who tells me any of my scripts don't work usually happens because of other lua errors from the other 500 addons they have. All my addons work, if an addon literally was broken, EVERYONE would be storming over here to talk about it, please remember that.

If it's not working, 9/10 times its some other addon or internal breaking it, add lua_log_sv 1 to your server.cfg, restart your server and a lua_errors_server.txt will generate inside garrysmod/garrysmod.

[TE] Zoltan Purchased posted

Is there a reason it isn't working, there's no chat above me head

Finn Purchased posted

anyway to disable the spinning commentary bubble while tying?.

Skittlelicious posted

otherwise im just moving on

Skittlelicious posted

when you fix these problems i will buy this

SpectateMeNub purchased commented 1 month ago I bought this script, but as MM13 said, if i PM someone, or type in admin chat... people see it :/, and if im writing out a ban, the user will leave before i finish writing it out, so it causes more work for me. An auto detector would be nice, otherwise i don't see me adding this to my servers.

Deadly151 Purchased posted

dont work for me with burgerchatbox ...

Woadie Author posted


drizmans - crident Purchased posted

Your admin only mode is pretty pathetic. Relying on the client to not be manipulated is just lazy really mate...

GreenAurora! ;) posted

would also buy this, if there was some kind of filter that detect privat and admin messages and maybe adverts

SpectateMeNub Purchased posted

EDIT: I just found out theres an admin only part of it, i may use that :P

SpectateMeNub Purchased posted

I bought this script, but as MM13 said, if i PM someone, or type in admin chat... people see it :/, and if im writing out a ban, the user will leave before i finish writing it out, so it causes more work for me. An auto detector would be nice, otherwise i don't see me adding this to my servers.

Scriptoman posted


Humbleness posted

B-b-b-but that takes away from the anticipation of holding your finger over the enter button while sweat drips down your neck as you decide whether or not to confess your true feelings for the glorious dictator

zenternal posted

Good find vv

The Trashcant™ posted

MouldyPotato™ posted

Is it possible to make it so only admins can see it. If so i would definitely buy this

P4sca1 posted

@XxLMM13xXgaming™ Solution would be to detect the first character and if it is / or ! then don't show the text.

Bob Hush posted

nice and unique idea, GLWS!

LMM posted

Looks great! I see only one problem like drewbie said.. if i pm someone will it still show... also i can imagine its gotta be pretty awkward if your like a admin sit and your just writing out someones ban xD

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