Civs Cops - NPC Police

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This product is DLC for the product Civs - Wandering NPCs. Please read the product description thoroughly before purchasing.
In short

Cops are always watching for criminal activity. If someone starts something, they end it; typically with a swift strike from their stun batons. People who are knocked unconscious are taken to jail. Cops will also attack NPC's from the Crims DLC if they witness them performing a crime.

The current list of crimes which will cause police to spring into action are:

  • Being Wanted
  • Hurting another player/Civ
  • Shooting a gun
  • Picking a lock
  • Cracking a keypad
  • More crimes will be added if they are suggested and feasible :)

Requesting Backup

Cops call for police help if they aren't killed quickly enough. A beacon is visible to all police players and the criminal is made wanted. Any nearby Cop Civs will be alerted to the player's position and enter the fight.

Highly Configurable

Cops includes several config settings including pickpocket limits, models, melee range, run speed, sounds, and everything in between. The config is located at addons/civs_cops/lua/sh_ccops_config.lua

There are also plenty of useful hooks for developers.

Similar to the primary script Civs, the Civs Cops are easy to install.

  1. Open and copy the civs_cops folder into your server's addons folder.
  2. Open addons/civs_cops/lua/sh_ccops_config.lua and modify your settings to your liking.

Product reviews

5.00 average based on 3 reviews

Worth the extra money!
The base add-on Civs is great and can make a server feel more alive with less players, and this dlc takes that premise to a whole new level. It basically simulates players roleplaying as cops. The fact that cops will chase and arrest you if you shoot at, harm, or kill an NPC or a player is really cool and can lead to some fun on an otherwise empty server. If someone ever attempted to make a single player mode of DarkRP, I imagine this is exactly what the NPC cops would be like. The only pet peeve is that the default arrest time is really short, but you can easily do what I did and set it to the default arrest time. Great add-on, great dlc!
By GrandNoodleLite -
(version 1.0.5)
Honestly, it's probably the 2nd best addition to my server, the first being the civs original script.
By JayWoosh -
(version 1.0.1)
Great DLC.
By sulkz -
(version 1.0.1)
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This product is DLC for the product Civs - Wandering NPCs. Please read the product description thoroughly before purchasing.
This product is marked as unsupported. That means there is no support available for this product.
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