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help i cant download it
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Is there a way that I can restrict the civs to only spawn when the server is on one map, and that they wont spawn at all when the server is changed to another map?

Okay this addon comes with some issue on singleplayer its fine, on a server with a big map with an auto-generated (which took a r7 3700x 5 hours to do for rp_downtown_tits_vs2) nav file this addon will think for 100-150ms per npc, the only way around this issue is to scrap the auto generated nav file and manually create the paths and connections yourself with the tool provided in the addon or console commands.
- Create a new gamemode based off the base gamemode and dont have it do anything and place into gamemodes folder
- put civs and dlcs in your clients addons folder
Small Maps:
- Start a singleplayer game for the map u want the nav file for using custom gamemode, ideally not darkrp or sandbox.
- open console and run command sv_cheats 1
- run commands nav_edit 1, you will now have a white crosshair and some ui for nav shiz
- Go to some areas that are "Walkable" in the map, aim at the floor, open console and run command nav_mark_walkable
- run nav_generate, your framerate and tickrate will drop and windows may say gmod.exe is not responding depending on your map and complexity of the auto-gen navmesh this could take minutes to hours, for me a r7 3700x took 5 hours to do it, i just ran it overnight and went sleep and have the .nav in the morning.
Large Maps:
This is very long and boring but is the only way to have the bots without lag
- make sure addon is in clients addons folder
- start a singleplayer game for the map u want the nav file for using sandbox
- open console and run command sv_cheats 1
- run commands nav_edit 1
- hold q and give yourself the tool
- manually draw paths and connections with tools
- save the nav mesh, may say gmod.exe not responding and take a while just leave it
- the end result will be a less accurate, less immersive movement from the npcs with basic set paths, but u can have multiple without any lag on a big map.
- Only way around this is to be a hammer and source sdk wiz at which point this explanation is beyond you anyway.

I would assume this is laggy as fuck?

Just wondering, but is there anyway you could update the tool with a tutorial video that works? Currently trying to use it and it won't even give me a video link.

You only use sv_cheats when creating the nev mesh. At any other time it can be off.

Hey, before I purchase I wanted to know if sv_cheats has to be always on for them to work, I'd like to set the nav paths but then turn sv_cheats off

Yeah, of course.

When i shoot them or run them over, they die?

Thank you all for your very kind comments and reviews on my scripts :)

Thanks what I meant was if the map is changed will Civs begin spawning in walls. This has answered my Question so thanks. Can’t wait to Purchase! 😄

The script supports any game mode, however the map needs a navmesh for the civs to spawn and function. Please read the description, there is a section about this :)

I would like to purchase them but first. If I change the map for an event will the script still spawn civs and does this script work with StarwarsRP. Thanks

Just wondering if anyone has a working navmesh for the map rp_truenorth that works with Civs?

Glad to hear that!

I'm currently testing the script in single player mode it works perfectly
I'll test it in multiplayer if it works the same as in single player mode this script is just great
I will return to give my opinion I can already say that I am surprised by the quality of the script in single player mode.

Can someone can explain me all about the navmesh ?

The NPC in the killfeed could be a possibility, but at the moment not. And you can't manually control the Civs like that.

Before I buy this, is there a way to have it display if an NPC was killed in the killfeed? And also can I have them manually wander to a location with SetPos()?

Can you use this with sandbox?

where is the navmesh stored because I made the nav on single player and was going to transfer onto a server

Is there a function of generating NPCs with random weapons? I'm making PoliceRP server and I want to have some NPCs with random weapons, melee weps, drugs, etc. So police officers can arrest them.

Great mod! If you have a config with the TTT models already added that'd be great!

I spawned in a map after I put nodes in it, but still, no Civs spawn in automatically, although when I spawn them manually, the move like they're supposed to…. help?