If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
For GuessWho the script is currently broken because on line 28 of the gamemode file it needs an extra parentheses.

Yup map images aren't displaying for me either, thought it would work automatically.

Map images aren't displaying

this is work with zs redemtion?

You can setup a timer to have the vote start say after 30 minutes.

How would you set how often you want the vote to start? Would like to use this in sandbox, if so I'll buy

dude so many updates stop it

On 21:9 screens the lower half of the screen is cut off. It's pretty annoying

Yeah. If not, you can always host it yourself.

Ahh I see. The default line of code for it will work fine once game tracker is back online?

Gametracker has been down for a bit - they will most likely come back up soon.
If you want to host your own images, you can do it on your own webhost.

Could I have a better description when you said "Replace with your own link, map names must follow and be jpgs". Thought it would happen automaticallly from gametracker but it doesnt seem to be working as all map icons are blank.

What gamemode?

You can add extra maps in, it isn't strictly based around prefix.

Does this support per gamemode map lists? Some gamemodes work across multiple maps so limiting via prefix doesnt work.

Open a ticket with your gamemode and when the error occurs.

hmm. seem little broken. i cant fix it. no map shows up on voting and this error I get! [ERROR] addons/clean_mapvote/lua/clean_mapvote/core/sv_clean_mapvote.lua:152: bad argument #1 to 'WriteString' (string expected, got nil)
- WriteString - [C]:-1
- End - addons/clean_mapvote/lua/clean_mapvote/core/sv_clean_mapvote.lua:152 3. unknown - addons/clean_mapvote/lua/clean_mapvote/core/sv_clean_mapvote.lua:139
[ERROR] addons/clean_mapvote/lua/clean_mapvote/core/sv_clean_mapvote.lua:152: bad argument #1 to 'WriteString' (string expected, got nil)
- WriteString - [C]:-1
- End - addons/clean_mapvote/lua/clean_mapvote/core/sv_clean_mapvote.lua:152 3. unknown - addons/clean_mapvote/lua/clean_mapvote/core/sv_clean_mapvote.lua:139
Timer Failed! [Simple][@addons/clean_mapvote/lua/clean_mapvote/gamemodes/terrortown.lua (line 24)] [ERROR] addons/clean_mapvote/lua/clean_mapvote/core/sv_clean_mapvote.lua:152: bad argument #1 to 'WriteString' (string expected, got nil) nil)

Supports darkrp?

I know but it's all I've used since forever and I can't get into ULX, I don't like it but I must be the only one haha :P

It works with any admin mod. It's just forcing map changes and such are ULX only.
Also, Evolve is ancient, haha

Would this work with Evolve Admin and if not, could that be something you're prepared to integrate? Thanks :)

And hide and seek is not currently supported. For me to add it, it would require a lot of hacky overwriting due to how the gamemode is written.

It shows a score, but it does not display names.

does the script support hide and seek ?