If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
before I buy: What do you mean with automatic download? How do you get the content? From your own server? And what if you’ll take down the Server?

beast is ok dev

Any chance you can add a "house rake" ? For instance you create a flip for 1000 (each person) and the winner gets 1900 (5% rake).

Could you add a way to cap the amount of active flips? Someone just made 30 flips and crashed my full server.


All mah players are getting banned.

LOL you actually just added 2 more potential exploits, thanks bud.

It's a nearly 3 year old addon and I have school to focus on. I try to balance both, but I often overlook things due to my studies
It has now been rewritten, and all exploits fixed.

I'm very glad all the exploits are patched now....

Whoops something went wrong. Can't download the update .

I also think there is an exploit. Players running it always win no matter what.

There seems to be an exploit. I'm not sure, but il keep looking into it

what Stupid bug fix?
ツXxsnipercatxX81ツ purchased commented 4 months ago
You should make an admin command where admins can delete the flip by right-clicking in the flips menu

view the FAQ

You should make an admin command where admins can delete the flip by right-clicking in the flips menu

oh ok I see but I want to use darkrp money as currency what do I put

What do you mean by change the currency in the config to see the flips

No, that was patched before it was mainstreamed to the public. I found another thing myself and fixed it.

"No. I fixed a potential exploit before it was ever discovered." You talking about the lag exploit?

No. I fixed a potential exploit before it was ever discovered.

Oh, so I was right about the exploit of the coinflip favoriting CT?