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This product is DLC for the product McPhone | Advanced Phone System.
You need to purchase the core product before you can purchase this one.
In short
Extension Pack for McPhone system that features cell phone towers and signal jammers
Meet the Extension Pack #1 - the McPhone DLC that will bring more of a new game experience and unique roleplay features to your server. With this DLC, you can bring in-game communication to the next level.
The main goal for this DLC was to create a completely new feature for phone communications and still keep it simple to use and configure.
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Product reviews
5.00 average based on 1 reviews

very good DLC. Easy to set up and configure quite a bit. Too bad we can't turn on or off the antennas instead of breaking them or even sabotaging them. We are obliged to destroy the antenna by the weapons or to put a jammer of other method would be better!
Author's reply
Nice advice, probably gonna will create more interaction. Thanks for the review

This DLC adds realism to the McPhone, it's really great, really good work. GG
This product was received for free

Adding realism phone antenna
The range of the antennas is at the top by default for small maps. For large maps you can adjust the range or put a lot of antennas: D. The destruction of the antennas works with a change of model, exactly 3. Jammer can be great for raid. If you want a realistic phone, take it immediately;
This product was received for free

Good DLC
This really beautiful DLC and adds a little more options compared to other phones I find frankly well done to the developers ๐โ
This product was received for free

Love from Turkey <3
Im still waiting for mobile game(not snake pls) extension pack :D
This product was received for free
Buy product
This product is DLC for the product McPhone | Advanced Phone System.
You need to purchase the core product before you can purchase this one.

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