If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Open a ticket, and use The workshop?

Having texture errors, help?

Can these eject physical money?

I am completely lost on how to install these (slow, I know.) If someone could tell me where to put the files; "lua" and "materials" inside of "Michael_color_printer"

This is an awesome printer addon I used to play on your server every single day and I was head admin(sorry i made a big mistake mass rdm sry) but you really should buy these printers!

9' you can easily remove or add more. With full support.

Before I do purchase. How many printers are actually in this pack?

Support for vrondakis, pointshop 1 & pointshop 2 will come soon.

use the correct tags and it ain't

SF comments code display is terrible, isn't it ?

More organized and clean is already a reason to have it done FYI.
Instead of having to look into documentation, you could have just. ENT.theme = {} ENT.theme.circleColor = Color() ENT.theme.squareColor = Color() ENT.theme.thatBarColor = Color()

Is there any reason to use a table? Not really, it doesn't gain any worthy performance at all.
Having to look up a global table and look for the variable instead of just calling the variable? Why? More organized and clean? Yes. Worth to do it? No
The colors are actually documented in the config file with comments.

Why are you using: ENT.TopColor1 = Color(91,74,27,200); ENT.TopColor2 = Color(0,0, 0,255); ENT.TopColor3 = Color(0,0,0,255); ENT.TopColor4 = Color(34,34,34,255); ENT.TopColor5 = Color(0,0,0,255); ENT.TopColor6 = Color(0,0,0,255); ENT.TopColor7 = Color(0,0,0,255); ENT.TopColor8 = Color(0,0,0,255);
And not a table?
And what is TopColor4? Because it's very indescriptive.

Purchase error is now fixed.

well done for thinking of an original idea! glws

Love the customization this offers, has quite a lot of things to change! Good luck with sales!

Trying to solve the purchase error.

@[Xanath] Pat Thanks for that dude. Will be looking to get these then.

Sexy as fuck, love the printers :)

looks decent glws

Looks great. GLWS. Also, 10/10 description "Q: Why am i uploading my files now?? A: I need Money." xD

[GR]Muffin, you can change pretty much everything you want about those printers really.
This is an example of a old version of the config
//Main Settings ENT.printerName = "Bronze Printer"; ENT.printerModel = "models/props_lab/reciever01a.mdl"; ENT.PrinterColor = Color(127,111,63,255); ENT.PrinterLowHealthColor = Color(0,0,0,255); ENT.PrinterMaterial = "models/XQM//SquaredMat"; ENT.startingHP = 100; ENT.printTime = math.random(1,2); ENT.soundFile = "ambient/levels/labs/equipment_printer_loop1.wav"; ENT.soundLevel = 52; ENT.printerExplodeRNG = math.random(1, 30); ENT.printerExplodeRNGEqual = 1; ENT.printerOverheatChance = 30; ENT.printMoney = 1; ENT.stoneTime = 200; ENT.muterTime = 300; ENT.addHealth = 50; // DisplaySettings ENT.TopColor1 = Color(91,74,27,200); ENT.TopColor2 = Color(0,0, 0,255); ENT.TopColor3 = Color(0,0,0,255); ENT.TopColor4 = Color(34,34,34,255); ENT.TopColor5 = Color(0,0,0,255); ENT.TopColor6 = Color(0,0,0,255); ENT.TopColor7 = Color(0,0,0,255);
ENT.TopColor8 = Color(0,0,0,255);

look amazing but it wonnt let me buy it :(