If you are looking for support you should instead create a support ticket.
Seems to be broken.
[crashmenu] your server is not registered
And as you can see, I have purchased it.

Hello , i want to buy this addon for my server , does it still correctly work?

[crashmenu] your server is not registered

Installed the newest version, chat dosent work - also on chromium.
The only support way is discord, but Bell dosent accept my request.

the crash screen chat is broken since the new update

[crashmenu] your server is not registered

It's been fixed.

I'm unable to download the latest version. GmodStore presents this error:
An error occurred while trying to process your download. This error usually happens when a creator's webhook is failing, please inform the creator or site staff about this error.

That's right...

Wait so does this mean anyone not running chromium cant see the chatbox?

what do you mean? there is a separate chatbox impleneted for when the server crashes yes

does the chat still work with this script?

I didn't use nick because it could be easy to impersonate someone.

Any chance of adding nick support? I noticed it uses steamID to get your name. Players sometimes get confused when they see my steam name VS my nick name with ply:Nick().

Seems as if the auth web server is down that supports chat and checking server status.

Unable to download it anymore. It just shows error 404 not found.
The chatbox no longer seems to appear ingame when the screen pops up. This just started happening recently with the latest x64-86 update.
I havent tested if this occurs on the mainline version yet.

maybe you could use the discord api for letting people chat when it crashs.. so a discord integration... this could be possible

no need to translate anything since you can change all strings.

Hello there,
I noticed that your addon does not support an german translation so id like to ask if it would be welcome if id make one ?
If you would welcome it, dm me on gmodstore or on discord (Ynujasha#5431)
Have a great day,

Is the background customizable, and if so, does it support images?

Make a support ticket

The crash screen wont go away even though the server is fine

That is not possible.

Any way you can add an option to disable the sound or change it whenever the server crashes?, i removed it personally since the menu always shows up for a few seconds on connection and it's quite annoying.