Crims - NPC Criminals

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This product is DLC for the product Civs - Wandering NPCs. Please read the product description thoroughly before purchasing.
In short

A step in the wrong direction or a moment off your guard can put you in the hospital, or worse. Thugs and pickpockets run rampant in the city, and if you're unlucky you could be the next target.

Bravado and Bottomfeeders

Gangsters act tough and fight in groups. If you bump into a thug on the street you'd better hope he's in a good mood. Meanwhile, pickpockets make quick work of the unsuspecting victim. Once they find their mark, a pickpocket will move swiftly to empty your wallet. If they escape with your cash, you can kiss it all goodbye.

Highly Configurable

Crims includes over 40 config settings including pickpocket limits, models, melee range, run speed, and everything in between. There are also plenty of useful hooks for developers. Civs is made with DarkRP and TTT specifically in mind.

If you want to have a peak at the configuration, go to addons/civs_crims/lua/sh_crims_config.lua

Similar to the primary script Civs, the Civs Criminals are easy to install.

  1. Open and copy the civs_crims folder into your server's addons folder.
  2. Open addons/civs_crims/lua/sh_crims_config.lua and modify your settings to your liking.

Product reviews

5.00 average based on 4 reviews

Lv1 Magikarp
Can't recommend this enough, everyone who has played on Slice Gaming since getting this always have a good laugh when a new player joins and calls an admin for RDM and it turns out to be a NPC beating the shit out of them for lingering in spawn for too long. Great work, extremely unique.
By Lv1 Magikarp -
(version 1.0.4)
Nyk Crawfish <3
Works great!
By Nyk Crawfish <3 -
(version 1.0.4)
[CPG] Dracam
Great addition to the Civs addon, the risk of getting pickpocketed is great!
By [CPG] Dracam -
(version 1.0.2)
The 2 new NPCs are a fantastic addition to a server! They work fine with no problems.
By 8Z -
(version 1.0.2)
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This product is DLC for the product Civs - Wandering NPCs. Please read the product description thoroughly before purchasing.
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