Crims - NPC Criminals

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Bobblehead Author posted

Yes you do

Aber31385 posted

Hey do you need to have the Civs to use this?

Bobblehead Author posted

Nah I'm not able to code that kind of feature at this time. Sorry :(

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Purchased posted

no chance that npc use a gun?

The Player Unknown & Aatkins Purchased posted

Perhaps you could add that some Crims will rob other Civs? Maybe also thugs can fight each other? It seems a little strange that they only target Players.

Bobblehead Author posted

They won't carry weapons, and they will spawn any place that they can walk, but you can limit where they can walk with the navmesh editing tool. :)

They also don't have a config option to attack on sight but I could help you code something to suit that need if you're willing to learn a thing or two about Lua.

xXxPVT DONUTxXx posted

This looks like a good script my only question is can you make it so that they fight on sight and edit it so that the only spawn in certain places and have certain weapons to fit my servers needs?

Bobblehead Author posted

Furthermore, if a thug punches you first, the cops will arrest the thug.

Bobblehead Author posted

Yep that's how it works. Same for the pickpockets.

kindred008 posted

Can you make it so if a thug punches you and you punch back, the civilains dont call the cops on you and the NPC cops dont come after you?

Vilusia Purchased posted

Yeah they only react if you shoot near them

Bobblehead Author posted

Is that so? I'll have to try that myself.

Vilusia Purchased posted

When you have no collide on crims dont do anything

TheWarCake posted

Thanks! Also, is there any way to make thugs appear more often next to each other? On this server, thugs appear far apart, rarely near another thug. Is there any way about this?

Bobblehead Author posted

You can set a minimum and maximum steal amount in the config and it randomly selects a value in that range. :)

TheWarCake posted

Can you customize how much the pickpocketer's steal? If not, how much are they able to steal?

rafinov posted

Хочу скачать заливайте на link нет денег таких

Bobblehead Author posted

Send me what you've got to and I'll grant you access :)

Just send me a PM with the PayPal transaction ID.

Deme Purchased posted

Would really love to have this but I'm 0.29 monies off.

Logicalzz posted

This seems like an extremely well made addon ( the civs and civs criminals ) i will buy ASAP!

Bobblehead Author posted

I've added this feature as of the newest update to both Civs and Crims. Enjoy arresting your Civs! :)

John posted

I only ask because I have the Civs addon and you can't arrest them, but I'd only buy this if you could arrest the criminal Civs.

Bobblehead Author posted

Actually I'm not entirely sure lol I remember someone asking me to make that and I don't remember if I got around to it. :P

Bobblehead Author posted

Not at this time.

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